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Application Performance Management Top 20 Predictive Analytics Scores

This Application performance management report evaluates technologies and applications in terms of their business impact, adoption rate and maturity level to help users decide where and when to invest.

The Predictive Analytics Scores below – ordered on Forecasted Future Needs and Demand from High to Low – shows you Application performance management’s Predictive Analysis. The link takes you to a corresponding product in The Art of Service’s store to get started.

The Art of Service’s predictive model results enable businesses to discover and apply the most profitable technologies and applications, attracting the most profitable customers, and therefore helping maximize value from their investments. The Predictive Analytics algorithm evaluates and scores technologies and applications.

The platform monitors over six thousand technologies and applications for months, looking for interest swings in a topic, concept, technology or application, not just a count of mentions. It then makes forecasts about the velocity of the interest over time, with peaks representing it breaking into the mainstream. Data sources include trend data, employment data, employee skills data, and signals like advertising spent, advertisers, search-counts, Instruction and courseware available activity, patents, and books published.

Predictive Analytics Scores:

000893 – Docker (software)
000875 – Perf (Linux)
000850 – VSXu
000774 – AppDynamics
000619 – Dynatrace
000482 – Microsoft Azure
000463 – Data analytics
000411 – Amazon Web Services
000383 – Code coverage
000354 – Shark (application)
000304 – Performance metrics
000252 – Synthetic monitoring
000222 – Nginx
000192 – Gperftools
000114 – Paraver
000113 – Java Development Kit
000110 – JetBrains
000107 – Platform virtualization
000103 – Middleware
000099 – Xdebug
000093 – Port mirroring
000089 – VisualVM
000070 – Java Collections Framework
000064 – Visual Studio
000052 – VMware
000052 – Plumbr
000043 – ZeroTurnaround
000042 – Website monitoring
000039 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
000034 – OpenMP
000032 – Dbg
000031 – Micro Focus
000029 – Time (Unix)
000029 – Takipi
000024 – Embarcadero Delphi
000022 – LTTng
000016 – Intel Parallel Studio
000011 – NetBeans
000011 – Jvisualvm

Evaluation Criteria Definitions:

Interest and Popularity:


100 – Nginx
100 – Dynatrace
100 – Docker (software)

Google Trends data for gauging mindshare and awareness, the numbers are relative to their maximum (100), meaning number 100 has maximum interest right now and number 50 has half the interest it had from its peak of 100.

Employment Demand:


019938 – VMware
015795 – Performance metrics
014552 – Data analytics

Open employment opportunities on the date of this report for the subject. Indicator of the need of employers for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Active Practitioners:


01273155 – VMware
00766793 – Visual Studio
00314029 – Data analytics

Number of practitioners and professionals which have the subject skill set and experience. Indicator of the need of employers (and availability of employees) for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Monthly Searches:


673000 – VMware
368000 – NetBeans
301000 – Visual Studio

How often a month a search is performed for the keyword/phrase: and indicator of interest in the subject.

Cost per Click:


017.68 – Platform virtualization
014.76 – Website monitoring
009.83 – Data analytics

CPC: The average amount advertisers pay Google anytime someone clicks their own ad for this keyword. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.

Active Advertisers:


051 – Data analytics
038 – Website monitoring
020 – Platform virtualization

This shows how many unique advertisers have appeared on this subject in the last 12 months. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.



00104000 – Middleware
00032900 – Performance metrics
00031900 – VMware

Patents issued for the specific subject. Indicator of R&D investments and innovation in the specific subject.

Books in print:


00007548 – Visual Studio
00004919 – Performance metrics
00002510 – Middleware

Number of in-print books that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Instruction and courseware available content:


00542000 – VMware
00400000 – Visual Studio
00308000 – NetBeans

Number of instruction and courseware available content that covers the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Complete Overview:

Interest and Popularity

100 – Nginx
100 – Dynatrace
100 – Docker (software)
100 – Data analytics
100 – Amazon Web Services
098 – Microsoft Azure
093 – AppDynamics
091 – JetBrains
079 – Code coverage
073 – Xdebug
071 – VisualVM
071 – Takipi
070 – Perf (Linux)
065 – Dbg
061 – Jvisualvm
060 – ZeroTurnaround
057 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
055 – Visual Studio
054 – Platform virtualization
051 – Port mirroring
050 – Gperftools
048 – Java Development Kit
047 – Embarcadero Delphi
046 – Shark (application)
044 – Website monitoring
042 – LTTng
040 – Paraver
037 – NetBeans
036 – Time (Unix)
035 – Performance metrics
035 – OpenMP
035 – Intel Parallel Studio
034 – VSXu
034 – Micro Focus
033 – VMware
033 – Plumbr
031 – Synthetic monitoring
031 – Middleware
031 – Java Collections Framework

Employment Demand:

019938 – VMware
015795 – Performance metrics
014552 – Data analytics
008928 – Visual Studio
007532 – Middleware
007084 – Amazon Web Services
002255 – Microsoft Azure
001748 – Nginx
000982 – Code coverage
000553 – Dynatrace
000445 – NetBeans
000433 – AppDynamics
000170 – OpenMP
000093 – Micro Focus
000045 – Synthetic monitoring
000041 – Website monitoring
000032 – JetBrains
000025 – Xdebug
000021 – Platform virtualization
000019 – VisualVM
000017 – Dbg
000012 – Port mirroring
000010 – Java Development Kit
000010 – Docker (software)
000007 – Time (Unix)
000005 – Java Collections Framework
000003 – ZeroTurnaround
000003 – Embarcadero Delphi
000002 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
000001 – Takipi
000001 – Jvisualvm
000000 – VSXu
000000 – Shark (application)
000000 – Plumbr
000000 – Perf (Linux)
000000 – Paraver
000000 – LTTng
000000 – Intel Parallel Studio
000000 – Gperftools

Active Practitioners:

01273155 – VMware
00766793 – Visual Studio
00314029 – Data analytics
00227123 – Middleware
00181900 – Performance metrics
00172345 – Amazon Web Services
00145292 – NetBeans
00078859 – Nginx
00045844 – Microsoft Azure
00020272 – Code coverage
00017551 – OpenMP
00010101 – Micro Focus
00008933 – Dynatrace
00005206 – AppDynamics
00004301 – Website monitoring
00003506 – Dbg
00002644 – JetBrains
00001837 – Xdebug
00001523 – VisualVM
00001061 – Platform virtualization
00000858 – Time (Unix)
00000659 – Port mirroring
00000590 – Embarcadero Delphi
00000578 – Jvisualvm
00000553 – Synthetic monitoring
00000424 – Java Development Kit
00000415 – ZeroTurnaround
00000293 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
00000249 – Takipi
00000224 – Intel Parallel Studio
00000220 – Java Collections Framework
00000191 – LTTng
00000112 – Docker (software)
00000063 – Plumbr
00000035 – Paraver
00000026 – Gperftools
00000013 – Shark (application)
00000008 – Perf (Linux)
00000004 – VSXu

Monthly Searches:

673000 – VMware
368000 – NetBeans
301000 – Visual Studio
165000 – Nginx
090500 – Amazon Web Services
040500 – JetBrains
040500 – Java Development Kit
033100 – Middleware
018100 – OpenMP
018100 – Dbg
018100 – Data analytics
014800 – Xdebug
014800 – AppDynamics
008100 – Dynatrace
006600 – Micro Focus
005400 – Code coverage
003600 – Performance metrics
002910 – Website monitoring
002400 – Embarcadero Delphi
001290 – Java Collections Framework
000060 – Platform virtualization
000000 – ZeroTurnaround
000000 – VSXu
000000 – VisualVM
000000 – Time (Unix)
000000 – Takipi
000000 – Synthetic monitoring
000000 – Shark (application)
000000 – Port mirroring
000000 – Plumbr
000000 – Perf (Linux)
000000 – Paraver
000000 – Microsoft Azure
000000 – LTTng
000000 – Jvisualvm
000000 – Intel Parallel Studio
000000 – Gperftools
000000 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
000000 – Docker (software)

Cost per Click:

017.68 – Platform virtualization
014.76 – Website monitoring
009.83 – Data analytics
005.93 – Middleware
005.08 – Code coverage
004.56 – Xdebug
004.49 – NetBeans
003.58 – Performance metrics
002.88 – Java Development Kit
002.04 – Dynatrace
002.04 – Amazon Web Services
001.83 – AppDynamics
001.81 – OpenMP
001.32 – Java Collections Framework
001.21 – Micro Focus
000.95 – Dbg
000.54 – Visual Studio
000.41 – Embarcadero Delphi
000.34 – Nginx
000.22 – VMware
000.06 – JetBrains
000.00 – ZeroTurnaround
000.00 – VSXu
000.00 – VisualVM
000.00 – Time (Unix)
000.00 – Takipi
000.00 – Synthetic monitoring
000.00 – Shark (application)
000.00 – Port mirroring
000.00 – Plumbr
000.00 – Perf (Linux)
000.00 – Paraver
000.00 – Microsoft Azure
000.00 – LTTng
000.00 – Jvisualvm
000.00 – Intel Parallel Studio
000.00 – Gperftools
000.00 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
000.00 – Docker (software)

Active Advertisers

051 – Data analytics
038 – Website monitoring
020 – Platform virtualization
017 – Performance metrics
016 – Synthetic monitoring
009 – Microsoft Azure
006 – Code coverage
006 – AppDynamics
005 – Amazon Web Services
004 – VMware
004 – Middleware
004 – Dynatrace
003 – Micro Focus
002 – Visual Studio
002 – Java Development Kit
002 – Embarcadero Delphi
001 – Xdebug
000 – ZeroTurnaround
000 – VSXu
000 – VisualVM
000 – Time (Unix)
000 – Takipi
000 – Shark (application)
000 – Port mirroring
000 – Plumbr
000 – Perf (Linux)
000 – Paraver
000 – OpenMP
000 – Nginx
000 – NetBeans
000 – LTTng
000 – Jvisualvm
000 – JetBrains
000 – Java Collections Framework
000 – Intel Parallel Studio
000 – Gperftools
000 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
000 – Docker (software)
000 – Dbg


00104000 – Middleware
00032900 – Performance metrics
00031900 – VMware
00007360 – Visual Studio
00006770 – Data analytics
00003930 – Code coverage
00003010 – Micro Focus
00002440 – Dbg
00002170 – Port mirroring
00002080 – Amazon Web Services
00001480 – Java Development Kit
00001430 – OpenMP
00001100 – Platform virtualization
00001010 – Nginx
00000683 – Microsoft Azure
00000491 – NetBeans
00000488 – Website monitoring
00000307 – AppDynamics
00000281 – Dynatrace
00000172 – Time (Unix)
00000146 – JetBrains
00000110 – Synthetic monitoring
00000075 – LTTng
00000046 – Xdebug
00000037 – ZeroTurnaround
00000020 – Java Collections Framework
00000012 – Paraver
00000007 – VisualVM
00000006 – Plumbr
00000006 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
00000006 – Docker (software)
00000004 – Embarcadero Delphi
00000002 – Jvisualvm
00000000 – VSXu
00000000 – Takipi
00000000 – Shark (application)
00000000 – Perf (Linux)
00000000 – Intel Parallel Studio
00000000 – Gperftools

Books in print:

00007548 – Visual Studio
00004919 – Performance metrics
00002510 – Middleware
00002194 – Data analytics
00001677 – Amazon Web Services
00001401 – VMware
00000997 – Java Development Kit
00000594 – Microsoft Azure
00000582 – Code coverage
00000423 – OpenMP
00000405 – NetBeans
00000299 – Nginx
00000263 – Dbg
00000180 – Micro Focus
00000100 – Port mirroring
00000096 – Java Collections Framework
00000056 – JetBrains
00000051 – Platform virtualization
00000049 – Xdebug
00000039 – Website monitoring
00000035 – Time (Unix)
00000025 – VisualVM
00000014 – Intel Parallel Studio
00000014 – Embarcadero Delphi
00000011 – Synthetic monitoring
00000011 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
00000010 – Paraver
00000010 – LTTng
00000007 – Jvisualvm
00000005 – Dynatrace
00000004 – Docker (software)
00000000 – ZeroTurnaround
00000000 – VSXu
00000000 – Takipi
00000000 – Shark (application)
00000000 – Plumbr
00000000 – Perf (Linux)
00000000 – Gperftools
00000000 – AppDynamics

Instruction and courseware available content:

00542000 – VMware
00400000 – Visual Studio
00308000 – NetBeans
00241000 – Data analytics
00085200 – Dbg
00078800 – Amazon Web Services
00076400 – Microsoft Azure
00043900 – Middleware
00030200 – Nginx
00009850 – Java Development Kit
00008580 – JetBrains
00008210 – Performance metrics
00006190 – Xdebug
00005890 – Java Collections Framework
00005660 – OpenMP
00005150 – Paraver
00004470 – Micro Focus
00003880 – Code coverage
00002610 – Website monitoring
00002300 – AppDynamics
00002120 – Port mirroring
00002040 – Dynatrace
00001270 – VisualVM
00001080 – Embarcadero Delphi
00001050 – VSXu
00001000 – Plumbr
00000965 – Time (Unix)
00000626 – Intel Parallel Studio
00000608 – Takipi
00000417 – LTTng
00000387 – ZeroTurnaround
00000328 – Jvisualvm
00000189 – Synthetic monitoring
00000160 – Platform virtualization
00000110 – Docker (software)
00000007 – Gperftools
00000005 – Eclipse Memory Analyzer
00000003 – Shark (application)
00000001 – Perf (Linux)

Start with Docker (software), Perf (Linux), VSXu, and make the above top Predictive Analytics results happen:

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