If you knew what I know or CloudWave – Improving services in the Cloud through collaborative adaptation
Eliot Salant
IBM Haifa Research
CloudWave Project Coordinator
Where things are today
So, what’ s the problem? Hint
Evolution of software delivery
Release times (wks) -Windows vs. app
The DevOps paradigm
The CloudWave idea
CloudWave overview www.cloudwave-fp7.eu
Main project concepts
Some CloudWave Challenges
Functional Decomposition
CW Monitoring
Adding analytics
Living State Manager
All together now
Coordinated Adaptation
Directions for Coordinated Adaptation
Machine learning to react to enactment point triggers
Adaptation of both infrastructure and application
Determination of new enactment points
Some challenges
Multiple layers for adaptation
Coordinated adaptation challenges
Ultimate effect of adaptation actions at different levels not always clear
Sample set for machine learning
Standardizing application adaptations
Example of potential coordinated adaptation
Computations on a mobile phone vs. in Cloud
IoT devices -autonomy vs. centralized control
Feedback Drive Design
Better monitoring information and analysis to help developers
Analysis of Adaptation Engine efficiency
Feedback driven testing
Evolution of testing
Problem recreation
FDD Challenges
Effective feedback visualization
Intelligent hints to developers (analysis)
What-if analysis
In summary