District Value Engineering Contact Dvec Responsibilities

District Value Engineering Contact (DVEC) Responsibilities
The district value engineering contact (DVEC) is responsible for the district’s Value Engineering (VE) Program.
These responsibilities include:
VE project selection / VE workplan
Work with TPM’s to determine candidate VE projects.
Determine tentative VE dates for VE workplan.
Submit district VE workplan to VEA.
Pre study phase duties
Assist PM and VEA in determining potential team members.
Assist PM and VEA in setting the actual date of the study.
Assist PM and VEA in developing the VE study plan.
Help develop the cost model, if necessary.
Study phase duties
Reserve meeting location.
Reserve transportation for site visit.
Acquire flipchart, stand, markers, computer hookups and printers.
Assist with lunch arrangements.
Invite district management and appropriate staff for VE presentation.
Be available to help the team if called upon.
Post study phase duties
Assist PM’s with evaluation and VE recommendations.
Assist VEA with finalization of the study.
Other duties / responsibilities
Serve as VE Team member.
Lead VE studies.
Help coordinate district VE training.