This Enterprise Architecture report evaluates technologies and applications in terms of their business impact, adoption rate and maturity level to help users decide where and when to invest.

The Predictive Analytics Scores below – ordered on Forecasted Future Needs and Demand from High to Low – shows you Enterprise Architecture’s Predictive Analysis. The link takes you to a corresponding product in The Art of Service’s store to get started.

The Art of Service’s predictive model results enable businesses to discover and apply the most profitable technologies and applications, attracting the most profitable customers, and therefore helping maximize value from their investments. The Predictive Analytics algorithm evaluates and scores technologies and applications.

The platform monitors over six thousand technologies and applications for months, looking for interest swings in a topic, concept, technology or application, not just a count of mentions. It then makes forecasts about the velocity of the interest over time, with peaks representing it breaking into the mainstream. Data sources include trend data, employment data, employee skills data, and signals like advertising spent, advertisers, search-counts, youtube activity, patents, and books published.


Predictive Analytics Scores:

001069 – Agility
000938 – DevOps
000637 – Agile software development
000636 – Big Data Architecture
000255 – Data store
000234 – Enterprise engineering
000212 – IoT Architecture
000205 – Data model
000202 – Digital Business
000138 – Computer engineering
000135 – Programming paradigm
000133 – Application Architecture
000132 – Requirements engineering
000124 – Customer Journey Analytics
000109 – User Experience Design
000103 – OpenText
000093 – IT infrastructure
000079 – Digital workplace
000078 – Design Thinking
000076 – Iteraplan
000072 – Systems engineering
000067 – Business Architecture
000056 – Process architecture
000051 – Information Framework
000050 – Cloud Computing Architecture
000046 – Risk management
000036 – Independence Blue Cross
000036 – Function model
000027 – Computer programming
000017 – Avolution
000004 – Project portfolio management

Evaluation Criteria Definitions:

Interest and Popularity:


100 – DevOps
097 – Design Thinking
090 – Data store

Google Trends data for gauging mindshare and awareness, the numbers are relative to their maximum (100), meaning number 100 has maximum interest right now and number 50 has half the interest it had from its peak of 100.

Employment Demand:


060571 – Risk management
022128 – Agility
019667 – Systems engineering

Open employment opportunities on the date of this report for the subject. Indicator of the need of employers for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Active Practitioners:


04466125 – Risk management
00841678 – Systems engineering
00698330 – Computer engineering

Number of practitioners and professionals which have the subject skill set and experience. Indicator of the need of employers (and availability of employees) for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Monthly Searches:


090500 – Risk management
090500 – Agility
060500 – Computer engineering

How often a month a search is performed for the keyword/phrase: and indicator of interest in the subject.

Cost per Click:


037.98 – Cloud Computing Architecture
019.75 – IT infrastructure
017.50 – Data store

CPC: The average amount advertisers pay Google anytime someone clicks their own ad for this keyword. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.

Active Advertisers:


057 – Risk management
052 – Computer programming
046 – User Experience Design

This shows how many unique advertisers have appeared on this subject in the last 12 months. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.



00152000 – Data store
00063600 – Computer programming
00057900 – Data model

Patents issued for the specific subject. Indicator of R&D investments and innovation in the specific subject.

Books in print:


00157940 – Computer programming
00046200 – Risk management
00023964 – IT infrastructure

Number of in-print books that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Youtube content:


02720000 – Agility
02320000 – Risk management
00155000 – Computer engineering

Number of youtube content videos that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Complete Overview:

Interest and Popularity

100 – DevOps
097 – Design Thinking
090 – Data store
086 – Big Data Architecture
083 – User Experience Design
081 – OpenText
081 – IoT Architecture
075 – Requirements engineering
074 – Function model
068 – Computer engineering
068 – Agility
067 – Digital workplace
064 – Digital Business
064 – Agile software development
060 – Iteraplan
053 – Data model
049 – Independence Blue Cross
048 – IT infrastructure
044 – Project portfolio management
044 – Cloud Computing Architecture
044 – Avolution
043 – Enterprise engineering
036 – Business Architecture
034 – Risk management
034 – Process architecture
033 – Customer Journey Analytics
033 – Application Architecture
032 – Computer programming
031 – Systems engineering
031 – Programming paradigm
031 – Information Framework

Employment Demand:

060571 – Risk management
022128 – Agility
019667 – Systems engineering
014220 – Computer engineering
011800 – DevOps
008885 – IT infrastructure
005787 – Agile software development
003894 – Application Architecture
003151 – Computer programming
003081 – Data model
002057 – User Experience Design
001819 – Digital Business
001439 – Design Thinking
000853 – Business Architecture
000716 – Requirements engineering
000695 – Data store
000520 – Project portfolio management
000370 – OpenText
000284 – Enterprise engineering
000195 – Process architecture
000172 – Big Data Architecture
000076 – Programming paradigm
000071 – Independence Blue Cross
000056 – Information Framework
000039 – Digital workplace
000033 – Cloud Computing Architecture
000010 – IoT Architecture
000007 – Customer Journey Analytics
000005 – Function model
000001 – Avolution
000000 – Iteraplan

Active Practitioners:

04466125 – Risk management
00841678 – Systems engineering
00698330 – Computer engineering
00538820 – Project portfolio management
00458883 – IT infrastructure
00368627 – Computer programming
00179485 – Design Thinking
00156833 – User Experience Design
00140720 – Agility
00125845 – DevOps
00096737 – Application Architecture
00079597 – Data model
00058169 – Agile software development
00057695 – Digital Business
00045960 – Business Architecture
00040670 – Requirements engineering
00029207 – OpenText
00024570 – Data store
00011842 – Process architecture
00009597 – Independence Blue Cross
00005214 – Enterprise engineering
00003421 – Information Framework
00003287 – Digital workplace
00002882 – Cloud Computing Architecture
00002326 – Big Data Architecture
00001746 – Programming paradigm
00001027 – Function model
00000382 – IoT Architecture
00000257 – Avolution
00000186 – Customer Journey Analytics
00000079 – Iteraplan

Monthly Searches:

090500 – Risk management
090500 – Agility
060500 – Computer engineering
049500 – DevOps
040500 – Design Thinking
033100 – Computer programming
022200 – OpenText
018100 – Independence Blue Cross
014800 – Systems engineering
012100 – Agile software development
008100 – User Experience Design
008100 – IT infrastructure
006600 – Data model
005400 – Requirements engineering
005400 – Project portfolio management
003600 – Business Architecture
002910 – Application Architecture
002400 – Cloud Computing Architecture
001890 – Digital Business
001890 – Data store
001590 – Big Data Architecture
000720 – Enterprise engineering
000600 – Process architecture
000000 – Programming paradigm
000000 – Iteraplan
000000 – IoT Architecture
000000 – Information Framework
000000 – Function model
000000 – Digital workplace
000000 – Customer Journey Analytics
000000 – Avolution

Cost per Click:

037.98 – Cloud Computing Architecture
019.75 – IT infrastructure
017.50 – Data store
013.53 – Application Architecture
012.41 – Project portfolio management
011.36 – Agile software development
010.33 – Big Data Architecture
006.72 – Computer engineering
006.69 – User Experience Design
006.31 – DevOps
006.01 – Digital Business
005.58 – Data model
005.24 – Process architecture
005.06 – Risk management
004.45 – Business Architecture
004.04 – Computer programming
003.33 – Design Thinking
001.19 – Requirements engineering
000.59 – Systems engineering
000.53 – OpenText
000.39 – Agility
000.17 – Enterprise engineering
000.04 – Independence Blue Cross
000.00 – Programming paradigm
000.00 – Iteraplan
000.00 – IoT Architecture
000.00 – Information Framework
000.00 – Function model
000.00 – Digital workplace
000.00 – Customer Journey Analytics
000.00 – Avolution

Active Advertisers

057 – Risk management
052 – Computer programming
046 – User Experience Design
043 – Big Data Architecture
041 – Project portfolio management
034 – Cloud Computing Architecture
034 – Agile software development
028 – DevOps
025 – IT infrastructure
024 – Digital Business
018 – Computer engineering
016 – IoT Architecture
014 – Data model
013 – Systems engineering
011 – Digital workplace
009 – Design Thinking
007 – Application Architecture
006 – Data store
006 – Business Architecture
001 – OpenText
000 – Requirements engineering
000 – Programming paradigm
000 – Process architecture
000 – Iteraplan
000 – Information Framework
000 – Independence Blue Cross
000 – Function model
000 – Enterprise engineering
000 – Customer Journey Analytics
000 – Avolution
000 – Agility


00152000 – Data store
00063600 – Computer programming
00057900 – Data model
00031200 – Risk management
00021300 – Agility
00021200 – Systems engineering
00012900 – Computer engineering
00009450 – Application Architecture
00007620 – IT infrastructure
00005790 – Function model
00003790 – Cloud Computing Architecture
00003250 – Programming paradigm
00002190 – Process architecture
00001270 – Design Thinking
00001140 – Requirements engineering
00000962 – Digital Business
00000924 – Business Architecture
00000491 – Agile software development
00000458 – Information Framework
00000398 – User Experience Design
00000258 – Project portfolio management
00000204 – OpenText
00000091 – Enterprise engineering
00000078 – Big Data Architecture
00000057 – DevOps
00000044 – Digital workplace
00000037 – IoT Architecture
00000034 – Avolution
00000003 – Independence Blue Cross
00000000 – Iteraplan
00000000 – Customer Journey Analytics

Books in print:

00157940 – Computer programming
00046200 – Risk management
00023964 – IT infrastructure
00009201 – Data model
00003096 – Agility
00002155 – Design Thinking
00001992 – Agile software development
00001377 – Application Architecture
00001307 – Function model
00001113 – Programming paradigm
00000697 – Project portfolio management
00000688 – Process architecture
00000596 – User Experience Design
00000547 – Business Architecture
00000286 – DevOps
00000237 – Enterprise engineering
00000168 – Cloud Computing Architecture
00000142 – Information Framework
00000089 – Digital workplace
00000075 – Independence Blue Cross
00000042 – OpenText
00000036 – Big Data Architecture
00000016 – Avolution
00000005 – Iteraplan
00000000 – Systems engineering
00000000 – Requirements engineering
00000000 – IoT Architecture
00000000 – Digital Business
00000000 – Data store
00000000 – Customer Journey Analytics
00000000 – Computer engineering

Youtube content:

02720000 – Agility
02320000 – Risk management
00155000 – Computer engineering
00140000 – Design Thinking
00093100 – Computer programming
00073600 – Systems engineering
00072100 – DevOps
00055900 – Digital Business
00042000 – IT infrastructure
00040900 – Data model
00019900 – User Experience Design
00013100 – Agile software development
00011500 – Application Architecture
00010500 – OpenText
00008810 – Project portfolio management
00006630 – Data store
00005050 – Digital workplace
00004930 – Business Architecture
00004770 – Requirements engineering
00003750 – Big Data Architecture
00003600 – Avolution
00003410 – Cloud Computing Architecture
00002660 – Function model
00001450 – Independence Blue Cross
00001120 – Process architecture
00000973 – IoT Architecture
00000551 – Programming paradigm
00000545 – Enterprise engineering
00000414 – Information Framework
00000216 – Customer Journey Analytics
00000018 – Iteraplan

Start with Agility, DevOps, Agile software development, and make the above top Predictive Analytics results happen:

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