Cloud computing providers PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS REPORT


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This Cloud computing providers report evaluates technologies and applications in terms of their business impact, adoption rate and maturity level to help users decide where and when to invest.

The Predictive Analytics Scores below – ordered on Forecasted Future Needs and Demand from High to Low – shows you Cloud computing providers’s Predictive Analysis. The link takes you to a corresponding product in The Art of Service’s store to get started.

The Art of Service’s predictive model results enable businesses to discover and apply the most profitable technologies and applications, attracting the most profitable customers, and therefore helping maximize value from their investments. The Predictive Analytics algorithm evaluates and scores technologies and applications.

The platform monitors over six thousand technologies and applications for months, looking for interest swings in a topic, concept, technology or application, not just a count of mentions. It then makes forecasts about the velocity of the interest over time, with peaks representing it breaking into the mainstream. Data sources include trend data, employment data, employee skills data, and signals like advertising spent, advertisers, search-counts, Instruction and courseware available activity, patents, and books published.

Predictive Analytics Scores:

001559 – Cloud Foundry
000801 – Dell Boomi
000771 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
000686 – Apprenda
000676 – OpenShift
000675 – Google Cloud Dataproc
000631 – Intacct
000565 – ServiceNow
000514 – SecureAuth
000482 – Cloudera
000479 – Microsoft Azure
000445 – Datameer
000431 – CloudBees
000429 – Qubole
000420 – Google Cloud Platform
000411 – Amazon Web Services
000410 – AppFolio
000396 – Instart Logic
000393 – Revel Systems
000362 – ServiceMax
000312 – Google Compute Engine
000311 – Rackspace
000306 – Cloud Elements
000269 – Jobvite
000251 – Heroku
000246 – Cloud broker
000244 – GitHub
000221 – Anaqua
000207 – DigitalOcean
000206 – Cloudian
000204 – CallidusCloud
000191 – CITIC Telecom CPC
000174 – Airtable
000163 – Booker Software
000163 – Appirio
000159 – CloudBoost
000154 – Panzura
000153 – Bullhorn
000144 – Artmotion
000138 – Epos Now
000135 – Lenovo Cloud
000133 – CenturyLink
000130 – Mirantis
000129 – Linode
000119 – Media Temple
000117 – Global Relay
000115 – Cloudant
000110 – Content Guru
000108 – Amazon Cloud Drive
000101 – Google Storage
000096 – Mendix
000087 – Qualtrics
000085 – Procurify
000080 – OVH
000072 – Firebase
000071 – Avature
000066 – HyTrust
000065 – Deskera
000061 – Host Virtual
000055 – Gigya
000050 – Redis Labs
000046 – CloudSigma
000044 – HCentive
000040 – Peer 1
000038 – Plex Systems
000031 – MLab
000031 – Cycle Computing
000026 – CtrlS
000025 – OnApp
000020 – IQNavigator
000019 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
000015 – CRMNEXT
000014 – Jelastic
000013 – Outsourcery
000013 – Ninefold
000012 – Algoworks
000010 – Alpha7
000009 – NewVoiceMedia
000008 – SAP SE
000007 – Nivio
000004 – Microsoft Egypt
000004 – Iland

Evaluation Criteria Definitions:

Interest and Popularity:


100 – ServiceNow
100 – Mendix
100 – Intacct

Google Trends data for gauging mindshare and awareness, the numbers are relative to their maximum (100), meaning number 100 has maximum interest right now and number 50 has half the interest it had from its peak of 100.

Employment Demand:


007087 – Amazon Web Services
004602 – GitHub
002610 – ServiceNow

Open employment opportunities on the date of this report for the subject. Indicator of the need of employers for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Active Practitioners:


00182690 – GitHub
00172342 – Amazon Web Services
00050766 – CenturyLink

Number of practitioners and professionals which have the subject skill set and experience. Indicator of the need of employers (and availability of employees) for this specific skill set and therefore their organization’s application of it in relation to the other subjects.

Monthly Searches:


823000 – GitHub
550000 – OVH
165000 – Rackspace

How often a month a search is performed for the keyword/phrase: and indicator of interest in the subject.

Cost per Click:


017.46 – Cloud Foundry
007.90 – Revel Systems
007.54 – OVH

CPC: The average amount advertisers pay Google anytime someone clicks their own ad for this keyword. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.

Active Advertisers:


021 – Host Virtual
014 – Intacct
012 – Cloud Foundry

This shows how many unique advertisers have appeared on this subject in the last 12 months. Indicator of the advertising being spent on the topic ergo investments being made to attract clients.



00021800 – SAP SE
00007020 – CenturyLink
00002860 – Host Virtual

Patents issued for the specific subject. Indicator of R&D investments and innovation in the specific subject.

Books in print:


00007343 – SAP SE
00006533 – CtrlS
00001678 – Amazon Web Services

Number of in-print books that cover the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Instruction and courseware available content:


00332000 – GitHub
00098000 – Firebase
00092900 – Bullhorn

Number of instruction and courseware available content that covers the subject. Indicator of the need for knowledge sharing and its availability.

Complete Overview:

Interest and Popularity

100 – ServiceNow
100 – Mendix
100 – Intacct
100 – Dell Boomi
100 – Cloud Foundry
100 – Amazon Web Services
098 – OpenShift
097 – Microsoft Azure
097 – GitHub
096 – SAP SE
096 – DigitalOcean
095 – Firebase
095 – Epos Now
095 – Cloudera
095 – CenturyLink
094 – Airtable
093 – Heroku
093 – Google Storage
090 – Cloud broker
089 – Google Cloud Platform
089 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
087 – ServiceMax
087 – Rackspace
086 – SecureAuth
085 – Procurify
084 – Deskera
083 – Datameer
083 – Bullhorn
080 – Qubole
079 – Instart Logic
077 – Mirantis
077 – Cloudant
076 – Revel Systems
076 – CloudSigma
074 – AppFolio
073 – Global Relay
073 – CloudBoost
070 – OVH
069 – Jobvite
069 – CallidusCloud
068 – Avature
067 – Qualtrics
067 – CtrlS
065 – Lenovo Cloud
065 – CITIC Telecom CPC
065 – Artmotion
064 – IQNavigator
064 – Appirio
063 – Redis Labs
062 – Outsourcery
060 – HyTrust
059 – Linode
058 – NewVoiceMedia
058 – CloudBees
057 – Cloud Elements
057 – Apprenda
054 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
054 – Google Cloud Dataproc
051 – Jelastic
049 – HCentive
048 – Algoworks
046 – Google Compute Engine
045 – Peer 1
045 – Anaqua
044 – Amazon Cloud Drive
042 – Nivio
042 – MLab
042 – Iland
040 – Panzura
040 – Gigya
040 – Content Guru
038 – OnApp
038 – Media Temple
038 – Booker Software
037 – Alpha7
034 – Plex Systems
034 – Microsoft Egypt
032 – Cloudian
031 – Ninefold
031 – Host Virtual
031 – Cycle Computing

Employment Demand:

007087 – Amazon Web Services
004602 – GitHub
002610 – ServiceNow
002265 – Microsoft Azure
001246 – Cloudera
001127 – Rackspace
000762 – Heroku
000721 – Cloud Foundry
000709 – CenturyLink
000431 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
000360 – Qualtrics
000328 – OpenShift
000320 – Intacct
000292 – Google Cloud Platform
000218 – Bullhorn
000199 – Dell Boomi
000170 – Jobvite
000146 – AppFolio
000127 – Google Compute Engine
000094 – ServiceMax
000085 – Datameer
000065 – Firebase
000065 – CloudBees
000060 – Appirio
000050 – CallidusCloud
000048 – Mirantis
000046 – Apprenda
000045 – Revel Systems
000042 – DigitalOcean
000038 – Anaqua
000037 – OVH
000035 – Avature
000031 – Linode
000030 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
000029 – SecureAuth
000028 – Booker Software
000025 – Gigya
000023 – Media Temple
000020 – Qubole
000020 – Mendix
000019 – Host Virtual
000019 – Cloudant
000018 – Instart Logic
000017 – Panzura
000016 – Global Relay
000015 – Cloud broker
000014 – Peer 1
000012 – Cloudian
000011 – HCentive
000010 – Plex Systems
000008 – Content Guru
000008 – Cloud Elements
000007 – MLab
000007 – IQNavigator
000006 – Amazon Cloud Drive
000005 – OnApp
000005 – CtrlS
000004 – HyTrust
000003 – SAP SE
000003 – Epos Now
000002 – Google Storage
000002 – Airtable
000001 – Procurify
000001 – NewVoiceMedia
000001 – Iland
000001 – Google Cloud Dataproc
000001 – Cycle Computing
000000 – Redis Labs
000000 – Outsourcery
000000 – Nivio
000000 – Ninefold
000000 – Microsoft Egypt
000000 – Lenovo Cloud
000000 – Jelastic
000000 – Deskera
000000 – CRMNEXT
000000 – CloudSigma
000000 – CloudBoost
000000 – CITIC Telecom CPC
000000 – Artmotion
000000 – Alpha7
000000 – Algoworks

Active Practitioners:

00182690 – GitHub
00172342 – Amazon Web Services
00050766 – CenturyLink
00046181 – ServiceNow
00045845 – Microsoft Azure
00031569 – Rackspace
00028288 – Heroku
00027636 – Qualtrics
00024578 – Cloudera
00011811 – Bullhorn
00008607 – Firebase
00008548 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
00006187 – Google Cloud Platform
00005072 – Intacct
00004974 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
00004755 – OpenShift
00004626 – Cloud Foundry
00004366 – Jobvite
00003596 – SAP SE
00003372 – Avature
00003256 – OVH
00002849 – Mirantis
00002632 – AppFolio
00002483 – Dell Boomi
00002350 – Appirio
00002261 – ServiceMax
00002239 – IQNavigator
00002079 – Mendix
00001945 – DigitalOcean
00001872 – Google Compute Engine
00001820 – Gigya
00001691 – CallidusCloud
00001584 – Datameer
00001565 – Peer 1
00001417 – Linode
00001308 – CtrlS
00001272 – Cloudant
00001225 – HCentive
00001135 – Iland
00001002 – Global Relay
00000970 – Host Virtual
00000962 – MLab
00000932 – Microsoft Egypt
00000902 – Plex Systems
00000875 – CloudBees
00000871 – Revel Systems
00000773 – Anaqua
00000753 – OnApp
00000734 – Media Temple
00000652 – Booker Software
00000622 – NewVoiceMedia
00000586 – Nivio
00000560 – CRMNEXT
00000548 – Cloud broker
00000486 – Outsourcery
00000485 – SecureAuth
00000441 – Panzura
00000417 – Algoworks
00000382 – Apprenda
00000374 – Jelastic
00000373 – Qubole
00000371 – Alpha7
00000366 – HyTrust
00000359 – Instart Logic
00000291 – Content Guru
00000245 – Amazon Cloud Drive
00000233 – Ninefold
00000206 – Epos Now
00000186 – Cloudian
00000185 – Google Storage
00000167 – CloudSigma
00000149 – Cloud Elements
00000129 – Deskera
00000126 – Redis Labs
00000108 – Airtable
00000101 – Cycle Computing
00000100 – Procurify
00000048 – Lenovo Cloud
00000046 – CloudBoost
00000045 – Artmotion
00000034 – CITIC Telecom CPC
00000008 – Google Cloud Dataproc

Monthly Searches:

823000 – GitHub
550000 – OVH
165000 – Rackspace
110000 – Heroku
090500 – Qualtrics
090500 – Amazon Web Services
060500 – DigitalOcean
049500 – Cloudera
040500 – Linode
040500 – Jobvite
040500 – Bullhorn
033100 – ServiceNow
033100 – Firebase
027100 – IQNavigator
027100 – Amazon Cloud Drive
022200 – Media Temple
014800 – Iland
014800 – Gigya
014800 – Cloud Foundry
01.22m – CenturyLink
009900 – Intacct
008100 – Appirio
008100 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
006600 – Mendix
005400 – Cloudant
004410 – ServiceMax
003600 – Revel Systems
002910 – CtrlS
002400 – Plex Systems
002400 – Anaqua
001890 – Peer 1
001890 – Ninefold
000390 – Host Virtual
000000 – SecureAuth
000000 – SAP SE
000000 – Redis Labs
000000 – Qubole
000000 – Procurify
000000 – Panzura
000000 – Outsourcery
000000 – OpenShift
000000 – OnApp
000000 – Nivio
000000 – NewVoiceMedia
000000 – MLab
000000 – Mirantis
000000 – Microsoft Egypt
000000 – Microsoft Azure
000000 – Lenovo Cloud
000000 – Jelastic
000000 – Instart Logic
000000 – HyTrust
000000 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
000000 – HCentive
000000 – Google Storage
000000 – Google Compute Engine
000000 – Google Cloud Platform
000000 – Google Cloud Dataproc
000000 – Global Relay
000000 – Epos Now
000000 – Deskera
000000 – Dell Boomi
000000 – Datameer
000000 – Cycle Computing
000000 – CRMNEXT
000000 – Content Guru
000000 – CloudSigma
000000 – Cloudian
000000 – CloudBoost
000000 – CloudBees
000000 – Cloud Elements
000000 – Cloud broker
000000 – CITIC Telecom CPC
000000 – CallidusCloud
000000 – Booker Software
000000 – Avature
000000 – Artmotion
000000 – Apprenda
000000 – AppFolio
000000 – Alpha7
000000 – Algoworks
000000 – Airtable

Cost per Click:

017.46 – Cloud Foundry
007.90 – Revel Systems
007.54 – OVH
004.92 – ServiceMax
004.72 – Iland
004.30 – CtrlS
004.24 – Qualtrics
002.56 – Intacct
002.35 – Linode
002.26 – Cloudera
002.24 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
002.04 – Amazon Web Services
002.03 – GitHub
001.57 – Heroku
000.97 – Host Virtual
000.87 – ServiceNow
000.86 – IQNavigator
000.57 – Plex Systems
000.53 – Bullhorn
000.47 – CenturyLink
000.42 – Mendix
000.31 – Gigya
000.28 – Peer 1
000.26 – Media Temple
000.24 – Firebase
000.21 – Anaqua
000.16 – Rackspace
000.15 – Appirio
000.14 – Jobvite
000.12 – Cloudant
000.08 – Amazon Cloud Drive
000.07 – DigitalOcean
000.05 – Ninefold
000.00 – SecureAuth
000.00 – SAP SE
000.00 – Redis Labs
000.00 – Qubole
000.00 – Procurify
000.00 – Panzura
000.00 – Outsourcery
000.00 – OpenShift
000.00 – OnApp
000.00 – Nivio
000.00 – NewVoiceMedia
000.00 – MLab
000.00 – Mirantis
000.00 – Microsoft Egypt
000.00 – Microsoft Azure
000.00 – Lenovo Cloud
000.00 – Jelastic
000.00 – Instart Logic
000.00 – HyTrust
000.00 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
000.00 – HCentive
000.00 – Google Storage
000.00 – Google Compute Engine
000.00 – Google Cloud Platform
000.00 – Google Cloud Dataproc
000.00 – Global Relay
000.00 – Epos Now
000.00 – Deskera
000.00 – Dell Boomi
000.00 – Datameer
000.00 – Cycle Computing
000.00 – CRMNEXT
000.00 – Content Guru
000.00 – CloudSigma
000.00 – Cloudian
000.00 – CloudBoost
000.00 – CloudBees
000.00 – Cloud Elements
000.00 – Cloud broker
000.00 – CITIC Telecom CPC
000.00 – CallidusCloud
000.00 – Booker Software
000.00 – Avature
000.00 – Artmotion
000.00 – Apprenda
000.00 – AppFolio
000.00 – Alpha7
000.00 – Algoworks
000.00 – Airtable

Active Advertisers

021 – Host Virtual
014 – Intacct
012 – Cloud Foundry
012 – Booker Software
012 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
011 – Google Cloud Platform
010 – ServiceNow
010 – Revel Systems
009 – Microsoft Azure
009 – Datameer
007 – ServiceMax
007 – Bullhorn
006 – Cloudant
005 – Mendix
005 – Cloud Elements
005 – CallidusCloud
005 – Amazon Web Services
004 – Panzura
004 – Gigya
003 – Rackspace
003 – Peer 1
003 – Dell Boomi
003 – Cloudera
003 – CenturyLink
002 – Qubole
002 – Qualtrics
002 – Plex Systems
002 – OpenShift
002 – Mirantis
002 – Linode
002 – Jobvite
002 – Firebase
002 – DigitalOcean
002 – Apprenda
002 – Anaqua
002 – Amazon Cloud Drive
001 – SecureAuth
001 – Media Temple
001 – Heroku
001 – Epos Now
001 – CloudSigma
001 – Cloudian
001 – Appirio
001 – AppFolio
001 – Airtable
000 – SAP SE
000 – Redis Labs
000 – Procurify
000 – OVH
000 – Outsourcery
000 – OnApp
000 – Nivio
000 – Ninefold
000 – NewVoiceMedia
000 – MLab
000 – Microsoft Egypt
000 – Lenovo Cloud
000 – Jelastic
000 – IQNavigator
000 – Instart Logic
000 – Iland
000 – HyTrust
000 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
000 – HCentive
000 – Google Storage
000 – Google Compute Engine
000 – Google Cloud Dataproc
000 – Global Relay
000 – GitHub
000 – Deskera
000 – Cycle Computing
000 – CtrlS
000 – Content Guru
000 – CloudBoost
000 – CloudBees
000 – Cloud broker
000 – CITIC Telecom CPC
000 – Avature
000 – Artmotion
000 – Alpha7
000 – Algoworks


00021800 – SAP SE
00007020 – CenturyLink
00002860 – Host Virtual
00002330 – Rackspace
00002170 – Alpha7
00002080 – Amazon Web Services
00000985 – Iland
00000683 – Microsoft Azure
00000642 – Peer 1
00000589 – OVH
00000529 – Bullhorn
00000520 – Ninefold
00000467 – GitHub
00000435 – Cloudian
00000435 – Cloudera
00000275 – Cycle Computing
00000269 – MLab
00000248 – Panzura
00000246 – IQNavigator
00000243 – Appirio
00000239 – CtrlS
00000237 – SecureAuth
00000237 – HyTrust
00000218 – ServiceNow
00000193 – Cloud broker
00000191 – Plex Systems
00000181 – Heroku
00000175 – OpenShift
00000160 – Instart Logic
00000150 – AppFolio
00000120 – Cloud Elements
00000117 – NewVoiceMedia
00000116 – Google Cloud Platform
00000114 – Cloudant
00000114 – Cloud Foundry
00000112 – OnApp
00000100 – Jelastic
00000097 – Qualtrics
00000094 – Linode
00000090 – Lenovo Cloud
00000090 – Jobvite
00000085 – Revel Systems
00000083 – Gigya
00000076 – Google Compute Engine
00000075 – Global Relay
00000070 – Anaqua
00000052 – Amazon Cloud Drive
00000050 – Redis Labs
00000050 – Datameer
00000042 – Media Temple
00000030 – Firebase
00000026 – Nivio
00000022 – Google Storage
00000007 – Qubole
00000007 – Apprenda
00000006 – Booker Software
00000006 – Airtable
00000005 – ServiceMax
00000005 – DigitalOcean
00000004 – Dell Boomi
00000004 – CloudSigma
00000003 – Intacct
00000002 – Mirantis
00000002 – Mendix
00000002 – CloudBees
00000002 – CallidusCloud
00000001 – Outsourcery
00000001 – HCentive
00000001 – Avature
00000001 – Artmotion
00000001 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
00000000 – Procurify
00000000 – Microsoft Egypt
00000000 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
00000000 – Google Cloud Dataproc
00000000 – Epos Now
00000000 – Deskera
00000000 – CRMNEXT
00000000 – Content Guru
00000000 – CloudBoost
00000000 – CITIC Telecom CPC
00000000 – Algoworks

Books in print:

00007343 – SAP SE
00006533 – CtrlS
00001678 – Amazon Web Services
00001514 – GitHub
00000594 – Microsoft Azure
00000409 – Firebase
00000359 – Iland
00000251 – Alpha7
00000242 – Amazon Cloud Drive
00000186 – Peer 1
00000141 – Host Virtual
00000141 – Heroku
00000133 – Cloudera
00000119 – Rackspace
00000089 – Qualtrics
00000074 – Bullhorn
00000071 – Google Cloud Platform
00000065 – Nivio
00000054 – Cloud Foundry
00000052 – Cloud broker
00000051 – OpenShift
00000043 – Ninefold
00000039 – OVH
00000031 – CenturyLink
00000024 – Google Storage
00000022 – Media Temple
00000019 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
00000017 – MLab
00000017 – DigitalOcean
00000016 – Intacct
00000015 – Jobvite
00000015 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
00000015 – CloudBees
00000013 – ServiceNow
00000012 – Apprenda
00000011 – Global Relay
00000010 – Revel Systems
00000010 – Anaqua
00000009 – Gigya
00000009 – Appirio
00000008 – Datameer
00000007 – Mendix
00000007 – Dell Boomi
00000005 – Jelastic
00000005 – CloudSigma
00000004 – ServiceMax
00000003 – OnApp
00000003 – CallidusCloud
00000002 – Epos Now
00000002 – Cycle Computing
00000002 – Content Guru
00000002 – AppFolio
00000000 – SecureAuth
00000000 – Redis Labs
00000000 – Qubole
00000000 – Procurify
00000000 – Plex Systems
00000000 – Panzura
00000000 – Outsourcery
00000000 – NewVoiceMedia
00000000 – Mirantis
00000000 – Microsoft Egypt
00000000 – Linode
00000000 – Lenovo Cloud
00000000 – IQNavigator
00000000 – Instart Logic
00000000 – HyTrust
00000000 – HCentive
00000000 – Google Compute Engine
00000000 – Google Cloud Dataproc
00000000 – Deskera
00000000 – CRMNEXT
00000000 – Cloudian
00000000 – CloudBoost
00000000 – Cloudant
00000000 – Cloud Elements
00000000 – CITIC Telecom CPC
00000000 – Booker Software
00000000 – Avature
00000000 – Artmotion
00000000 – Algoworks
00000000 – Airtable

Instruction and courseware available content:

00332000 – GitHub
00098000 – Firebase
00092900 – Bullhorn
00079000 – Amazon Web Services
00076500 – Microsoft Azure
00061100 – OVH
00056200 – CenturyLink
00041700 – Iland
00038400 – Rackspace
00030000 – Google Cloud Platform
00021600 – Heroku
00019600 – Cloudera
00017800 – ServiceNow
00015900 – MLab
00015000 – OpenShift
00013700 – DigitalOcean
00013600 – Cloud Foundry
00011100 – Cloudian
00010300 – CtrlS
00007830 – Alpha7
00006570 – Peer 1
00006550 – Qualtrics
00006430 – Adobe Marketing Cloud
00005870 – Nivio
00005360 – Google Compute Engine
00005060 – Amazon Cloud Drive
00003680 – Cloudant
00003670 – Artmotion
00003500 – Revel Systems
00003490 – Linode
00003090 – Mirantis
00002950 – Intacct
00002820 – Jelastic
00002820 – Global Relay
00002640 – Datameer
00002640 – CloudBees
00002630 – Appirio
00002450 – Ninefold
00002400 – AppFolio
00002000 – Media Temple
00001940 – ServiceMax
00001810 – SAP SE
00001810 – Mendix
00001620 – Host Virtual
00001560 – Jobvite
00001540 – SecureAuth
00001540 – CloudSigma
00001310 – Apprenda
00001190 – Gigya
00001170 – CallidusCloud
00001030 – Dell Boomi
00000922 – Cloud broker
00000903 – Airtable
00000879 – OnApp
00000818 – Avature
00000741 – Deskera
00000649 – Anaqua
00000625 – Plex Systems
00000606 – Outsourcery
00000580 – Google Storage
00000566 – Cycle Computing
00000554 – Instart Logic
00000482 – Redis Labs
00000473 – Panzura
00000459 – NewVoiceMedia
00000432 – Microsoft Egypt
00000412 – HyTrust
00000405 – Epos Now
00000335 – Booker Software
00000324 – Qubole
00000298 – CRMNEXT
00000287 – Cloud Elements
00000272 – HCentive
00000257 – Procurify
00000225 – CITIC Telecom CPC
00000188 – Lenovo Cloud
00000157 – IQNavigator
00000153 – Content Guru
00000148 – CloudBoost
00000128 – Algoworks
00000095 – Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
00000003 – Google Cloud Dataproc

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