On Demand online elearning: Is your country represented?

Every month we check where our students live – it is a wonderful game and we learn something new each month! (who would have known that ‘Wallis and Futuna’ is considered to be a country??!?)

This month we have students online participating in our on demand IT training courses from the following countries:


Afghanistan India Saudi Arabia
Albania Indonesia Senegal
Algernia Ireland Serbia
Argentina Islamic Republic of Iran Singapore
Armenia Israel Slovenia
Australia Italy South Africa
Austria Jamaica Spain
Bahamas Japan Sri Lanka
Bahrain Jersey Suriname
Banbados Jordan Sweden
Bangladesh Kazakhstan Switzerland
Belgium Kenya Syrian Arab Rebuplic
Bermuda Kuwait Taiwan
Bosnia And herzegovina Latvia Tanzania
Botswana Lebanon Thailand
Brazil Lithuania Thailand
Brunei Darussalam Luxembourg Timor-Leste
Bulgaria Macao Trinidad and Tobago
Cambodia Macodonia Turkey
Cameroon Malawi Turkmenistan
Canada Malaysia Uganda
Cayman Islands Maldives UK
Chile Malta United Arab Emirates
China Mayotte Uruguay
Colombia Mexico USA
Congo Morocco Venezuela
Costa Rica Myanmar Venezuela
Cote D’Ivoire Namibia Vietnam
Croatia Netherlands Wallis and Futuna
Cuba New Zealand Yemen
Czech Republic Nicaragua Zimbabwe
Denmark Nigeria
Dominical Republic Norway
Ecuador Oman
Egypt Pakistan
El Salvador Palau
Estonia Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Ethiopia Panama
Fiji Paraguay
Finland Peru
France Philippines
Georgia Poland
Germany Portugal
Ghana Puerto Rico
Gibraltar Qatar
Greece Republic of Korea
Honduras Romania
Hong Kong Russian federation
Hungary Saint Lucia
Iceland Zambia

Is your country represented in our on demand online IT training system?

We would love to have students in as many countries as possible, because it helps us achieve our BHAG to become the educator of choice for at least 25% of employers of career driven IT Professionals worldwide.