ITIL certification will put you ahead of the competition

Why ITIL training will put you ahead of the competition

Is ITIL certification all about learning a doctrine? Or more appropriately – the establishment of knowledge around methods and guidances? In any field of endeavor there are established methods and doctrines, the purpose of which is to provide you with the best solution(s), as quickly as possible.  So what is an established doctrine or industry standard, anyway?  Most would simply say that an established doctrine is the way things are done, or perhaps something akin to a best method(s) compendium.  This is obviously true, but industry standards are much more than a proposed method for performing a task.
We should always try to keep in mind that industry standards are often the end result of hours of tedious research and/or trial and error exploration.  ITIL (or, information technology infrastructure library) has often been called, “a best practices and methods guide for IT”, and while this is certainly true, it’s actually much more than that.  ITIL is in many ways, a determining characteristic or badge which employers and customers will likely be expecting to see.

For many, ITIL certification is basically a qualifier which means they can trust you to do quality work.  What makes ITIL so powerful is the fact that it isn’t simply a governmentally / organizationally sanctioned entity, it also draws its wealth of knowledge from previous and ongoing developments / discoveries from public IT as well.    In other words, ITIL is the most comprehensive standards and framework(s) reference for IT in existence.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced IT guru, or are just getting started in the field; the truth is that ITIL is a necessary component to your (continued) success.  A ITIL certification program isn’t great for just giving you something to add to your resume’ however; it’s also going to help you hone your skills and add new abilities.  It should also be noted that ITIL is continuously updated on a regular basis, with a new edition being released on an annual basis.

What makes trying to establish a comprehensive set of enduring best practices for IT impossible is the simple fact that everything is constantly changing, or rather; new technologies are always being developed.  Add to this the reality that certain existing technologies may be adapted for any number of additional uses and it’s pretty clear that it might very well be impossible to establish an ageless version of something like the ITIL.  Not to worry though, the current system employed by ITIL (whereby new and old concepts and ideas are integrated and reintegrated continuously) is more than capable of addressing technical issues as they are presented in real-time (from year to year).

So, how exactly can ITIL certification help you impress employers and put you ahead of all the other individuals competing for your position?  Let’s imagine for a second that you are the one performing the job interview for an esteemed IT position.  You interview a bevy of potential candidates which all have similar or nearly the same qualifications.  Perhaps only a handful of those interviewed have ITIL training and/or certification; and out of those maybe one or two have certification in an up-to-date annual version of the ITIL.  Who do you think is going to get the job?  Certainly not those on the lower end of the spectrum, that’s for sure.

Aside from protecting one’s career interests however, there are also additional reasons as to why someone might want to entrench themselves in study of ITIL.  For example, if you are truly meticulous about adapting the best strategies and related knowledge for IT work you can begin to offer up your own findings and suggestions.  Those that are able to pinpoint issues before they arise and/or offer up suggested solutions, are not only highly sought after in the IT industry, but are also frequently highly paid.  In this way, ITIL is like a doorway which allows dedicated and serious professionals to achieve even greater things than they had previously considered.  All of this adds up to a number of potential benefits for your future employers as well; wouldn’t you rather have a position with responsibilities and rewards?

There are a number of excellent ITIL training programs out there, but few as comprehensive, convenient, or affordable as what is offered here.