IT Professionals Benefit from The Art of Service Cloud Computing eLearning
The Art of Service has expanded its cloud computing educational programs, now offering eLearning modules that are perfect for the busy IT professionals. Many companies are in the process of outsourcing their cloud computing efforts, often to multiple IT professionals to handle different facets of the strategy. Because of this, it’s more important than ever that IT professionals become and stay well-educated on the latest aspects of both ITIL and cloud computing.

Cloud computing pioneer and The Art of Service CEO Ivanka Menken
IT professionals who understand that changing demands require creative solutions that are delivered on a subscription basis will benefit from the current trends.
San Jose, Calif. (PRWEB) February 09, 2012
The Art of Service has expanded its cloud computing educational programs, now offering eLearning modules that are perfect for the busy IT professionals.
Many companies are in the process of outsourcing their cloud computing efforts, often to multiple IT professionals to handle different facets of the strategy. Because of this, it’s more important than ever that IT professionals become and stay well-educated on the latest aspects of both ITILand cloud computing.
This will only increase in 2012 now that cloud computing has proven its worth to business of all sizes, and the technology is now available to make cloud computing a viable option.
IT service providers are delivering services through collaborative exchanges, which is part of the reason for the current trend in IT job growth.
The Art of Service founder and CEO Ivanka Menken says that it’s not enough for businesses to recognize the importance of cloud computing as part of their business model and plan for cloud computing deployment—they need the valuable human resources to actually implement the strategy for months and years to come.
“IT professionals who understand that changing demands require creative solutions that are delivered on a subscription basis will benefit from the current trends,” said Menken. “Because of this, they must have a broad scope of knowledge to apply to new applications and implementation.”
The world is changing. With globalization and IT advancement, the best jobs will require professionals to have the best education. U.S. unemployment rates reflect this. The latest unemployment rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Americans over 25 years old: those with less than a high school degree, 13.8 percent; those with a high school degree and no college, 8.7 percent; those with some college or associate degree, 7.7 percent; and those with bachelor’s degree or higher, 4.1 percent.
The Art of Service is delivering cloud computing eLearning for IT professionals who are serious about their ongoing education and want to be part of a convenient way of gaining new knowledge to help them to stay relevant in their professional career for years to come.
The Art of Service has a comprehensive offering of education solutions geared toward the busy IT professional. AOS instructors are experienced in classroom-style delivery, boardroom-style executive coaching, on-the-job training and online virtual support for remote students.