What is an ITIL-certified solution?

What is an ITIL-certified solution?

What do you get when you take all best proven processes for dealing with IT infrastructure-related qualms (and situational considerations) and cram them into a reference digest?  This is of course, a loose description of ITIL.  There is an extraordinary amount of useful information contained within any particular version ITIL, of which pertains to not only solving problems as they occur, but also in preventing them from even happening in the first place.

The strength and power of ITIL comes from the system used to collect and organize the information / solutions that it might incorporate.  ITIL utilizes a system of “continual improvement and integration” which allows for the inclusion of any and all solutions which have merit.  So, any IT methodologies can be added to the ITIL foundation if they are in fact beneficial practices; likewise, any group or private individual can submit their research / findings.  This all-inclusive attitude toward allowing virtually anyone to participate is yet another reason why ITIL is such an amazing and useful reference tool.

Given that ITIL is basically a big collection of workable methodologies, the easiest answer to the question, “what is an ITIL-certified solution?” would be any viable solution stemming from concepts inherent to the ITIL.  More specifically however, an ITIL-certified solution is one that the governing body (responsible for approving and publishing the ITIL) approves of.

Many organizations these days are using the phrase “ITIL-certified solution” to promote their products or services, and for good reason, ITIL demands respect and authority.  Organizations that are looking to have their solutions validated by ITIL are not only helping themselves and servicing their clientele, they are in many ways performing a service for everyone in the IT industry, as their findings will likely be included in the next ITIL release.  In other words, if your organization seeks to incorporate their solution(s), you don’t have to invest in terms of research costs and/or time spent performing tedious trial-and-error experiments.

As much as ITIL is about providing solutions it is, by the same token, about preserving industry-wide infrastructure functionality.  Imagine what the world of IT would be like without ITIL or some similar guide, nearly every single problem might cripple the entire infrastructure. If ITIL didn’t exist it would also be very much more difficult to train personnel and initiate any long-term plans with regards to management of IT assets.

In the same way that companies are looking to incorporate ITIL-certified solutions they are also seeking ITIL-certified personnel.  This is a very direct and important concept that virtually anyone should be able to grasp; those who employ IT professionals need to know what they are capable of.  Since ITIL can align itself with the interests and goals of businesses, it only makes sense that employers want IT workers who not only understand it (ITIL), but also utilize it on a regular basis.

This of course brings us to our next big question, is it difficult for the average IT employee to attain ITIL certification?   In a word, no; it’s never been easier (or more affordable) for IT pros to achieve some form of genuine ITIL certification.   In fact, there are numerous ITIL courses available, nearly all of which are delivered digitally (also called e-learning).   These e-learning courses not only train students to “think with ITIL” and use ITIL solutions in their everyday duties, they’re also expertly crafted to prepare you for a certification examination (kind of like “having your cake and eating it too”, to quote an old saying).

In addition, these e-learning programs are great travel companions as they are viewable on virtually any device (including PC’s, Mac’s, Tablets, Laptops, Netbooks, and of course, smartphones).   So, if you are already juggling a busy work schedule, you can still find the time to squeeze in ITIL, even if it’s on-the-go.
Those who take the time to become certified in ITIL will likely find themselves utilizing ITIL-certified solutions on a daily basis, which should boost their company standing as well as open the door to future opportunities.  Interested in becoming ITIL-certified?  Click here!