In spite of global economic woes, Cloud Computing is still growing and generating profits

In spite of global economic woes, Cloud Computing is still growing and generating profits


They say that “the cream always rises to the top” and this certainly seems to be the case where cloud computing is concerned. The simple fact of the matter is that cloud computing is doing quite well these days. Virtually every major business is getting drawn into it (or is already involved) and individuals have been steeped in the cloud for quite some time now. Likewise, the world’s biggest tech companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, etc…) are becoming increasingly “Gung-ho” about their cloud computing operations / projects. Isn’t this a clear sign that they see substantial future value in the cloud?

When you sit back and analyze the economic / geo-political situation we find ourselves in (worldwide), it becomes very apparent that growth in many different sectors (and countries) appears to be slowing down. In other words, some mitigating factors appear to be stifling global trade, production and instigating a new type of class warfare. Be it  lack of supply of resources, banker theft, collusion, income distribution disparities, budget shortfalls, increasing natural disasters, etc…the list seems to go on and on. However, in spite of all this turmoil, cloud computing seems to be doing just fine; in fact, it even seems to be growing and/or thriving.

Additionally, there are plenty of reports and studies that clearly indicate that there are substantial savings and benefits associated with cloud computing (which are not accessible through any other form of IT). Need proof?  Here you go…

According to this study carried out by Verdantix for the Carbon Disclosure Project:

“Through the forecast uptake of cloud computing, US businesses with annual revenues of more than $1 billion can achieve economy-wide savings in energy alone of $12.3 billion a year by 2020.”

“A typical food & beverage firm transitioning its HR application from dedicated IT to a public cloud can achieve a NPV (Net Present Value) of $10.1 million over five years with a payback period of under a year.”

Perhaps this has something to do with the inherent value in the cloud? Without a doubt, it most certainly does. Simply put, the reason cloud computing is succeeding in the face of significant strife is because it works and makes logical sense. Regardless of how you might view the importance of IT, the general trend in modern business seems to be one in which a great deal more emphasis is placed upon these assets. Or, to put it in much simpler terms, today’s businesses are more-or-less reliant on the services provided by IT. Moreover, the entire global population appears to have become more tech-savvy, which increases the need for more sophisticated online services and delivery of these elements.

Right now, cloud computing appears to be an unstoppable juggernaut. It’s scooping up major businesses, universities, military, etc…left and right while at the same time developing its internal technologies and capabilities all the while. Similarly, it shows absolutely no signs of slowing down its breakneck-like pace of growth and development either.

The most sensible and perhaps, prudent thing any business can do right now is to look at their current operation(s) and determine how they can incorporate cloud computing technology or upgrade their existing infrastructure. However, this type of plan-of-action might not be possible (or go as smoothly) if you don’t have IT personnel who really “get” what cloud computing is, does and might be capable of.  

Fortunately, there is a simple remedy for this predicament – cloud computing education, more specifically, e-learning (via the Internet). Through this specialized form of distance learning, IT professionals can easily and conveniently become cloud certified and trained in the latest knowledge base available. For business managers and owners, this means that you will become even more self-contained as an organization and be able to utilize cloud computing to its fullest extent, thereby reaping the rewards it offers and staving off competition in the process.

So, what’s the bottom line here, you might be wondering? Cloud computing is something that businesses, IT pros, professional organizations, and regular individuals can all take advantage of. The obvious power and value of cloud computing makes it extremely likely that it will be around for a very long time as well. Also, we don’t really have any idea just how much growth and development the cloud will produce over its lifespan, but it’s safe to assume that amazing advancements will take place under its oversight (some already have). Quite simply, if a business wants to increase its capital retention, increase its IT capabilities, and remain competitive, cloud computing is the way to go.