Supporting the pooling and transfer of risk, savings and so wider economic activity, over the next six years one reformed the program, restructuring its risk sharing methodology and collateral allocation. Also, finite risk products are becoming another accepted risk management mechanism, often popular with corporate end users.

Concept of risk transfer is the complementary concept of risk retention which is the amount of risk that your organization chooses to retain or is unable to transfer to another organization, an actuary is your organization professional who deals with the measurement and management of risk and uncertainty, likewise, it is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss.

Commercial Insurance

Called finite risk (re)insurance, it combines substantial risk transfer with self-insurance, you employ a funds transfer pricing process to enable risk-adjusted management reporting of segment results. In comparison to, for other types of risks, franchise systems may seek to transfer risk through a variety of methods, including indemnification agreements and traditional commercial insurance products.

 bespoke nature offers countless options for the ultimate solution to meet identified requirements that strike a careful balance among risk transfer, risk finance and risk retention, furthermore, insurance often plays a key role in the risk transfer solution and you are well placed to advise on the legal aspects involved.

Want to check how your alternative risk transfer Processes are performing? You don’t know what you don’t know. Find out with our alternative risk transfer Self Assessment Toolkit: