All about QR Codes
When QR Codes first came onto the commercial scene they were greeted mostly with a lot of confused looks and head scratching, now, they’re basically everywhere you look. Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) were originally deployed in the automotive industry because they allow for a much faster scans than conventional bar codes. Because these codes can integrate much more information than a standard bar, they are extremely useful in a wide variety of situations and applications.
Today, QR codes are used to identify most products (even some businesses) in addition to other high tech applications. For example, perhaps you’ve been at home watching TV and an advertisement for some type of contest pops up on screen? Nowadays they simply display a QR code on screen which viewers at home can simply take pictures of with their smartphones; this allows a person to do things like enter contests or visit websites very quickly without having to physically type anything into a keypad.
However, aside from its uses in advertising and consumer packaging, QR codes have found their way into public information databases as well as currency. For instance, in some parts of the world, QR codes are displayed on street signs and plaques (for commuters or tourists), anyone with a smartphone can then theoretically snap a picture and be directed to an informative site where they can receive assistance. If this type of technology were used in tandem with real-time machine-based translation services it could greatly enhance tourism for many individuals. Additionally, a Dutch coin was minted in 2011 which prominently featured a QR code. Although scanning this code simply redirects you to a commemorative site, it’s clear that this is a very powerful, useful and versatile technology which will likely be around for a quite a long time (or until it’s replaced by an improved version, of course).
Specialty IT Certification programs are a great supplement for any career path…
It’s very important to note that virtually all mobile devices being manufactured and produced today have incorporated some form of QR code reader / scanner into their basic design. This sort of hints at an increased use of the technology all across the board in both consumer capacities as well as perhaps professional duties as well. More and more retailers (both online and off) are dashing to incorporate products which utilize QR codes in lieu of traditional methods. If you are employed in the IT field this might be a great opportunity to take advantage of any specialized certification(s) you might have attained with regards to QR code technology. Likewise, if you haven’t explored any certification programs for QR Code training, now is the time to do so.
Arguably, the most important recent use of QR codes comes from the emergence of what are known as “virtual stores”. How does it work, exactly? There might be lighted product display boards strategically positioned around a city; perhaps at the bus stop, etc... On these boards are product listings with their corresponding QR code(s); in order to make a purchase, all the consumer needs to do is take a snapshot of the code and then their goods will be delivered to their home at a specified date. Needless to say, the technology has already been tested in several markets and “works like a charm”. So, to make a long story short, expect to see more of these types of virtual stores popping up on a corner near you somewhere.
Complete QR Code Certification for IT professionals is just a click away…
In any event, retail isn’t the only sector that’s seeing increased use of QR codes, specialty sites have popped up recently which allows users to store or encode data via the format. While this might seem necessary to some, rest assured there are some individuals who are already making excellent use of these types of capabilities. For instance, the conversion and return rates for certain types of web traffic (in all areas) have seen big increases due to the introduction of QR codes.
One of the main reasons that the IT industry needs more qualified / certified individuals who are capable of handling QR Code technology is due to emerging security threats. A current method of attack (called “attagging”) involves replacing or pasting new QR Codes on top of others in an effort to either gain access to a person’s smartphone / network or perhaps infect them with some type of malicious software. While every new potential threat is being met with the appropriate counter response, it’s important to note that there is definitely room for growth in this area, career-wise.
For those employed in the IT sector, the use of QR Codes is increasing, as are the potential uses for the technology. We’ve already started seeing them emerge everywhere that commerce is found, but also in situations you wouldn’t normally expect. The bottom line is, we’re probably going to see this type of technology applied to every area you can think of and those who are in a position to take advantage of their unique knowledge in this area will find their skills to be in high demand.