Many seem to agree on the need to find a better approach than fee-for-service reimbursement, within many of your ACO partnerships you can limit or eliminate downside risk exposure, ordinarily, the aco standards and guidelines remain a relevant resource for customer organizations seeking a roadmap to transform into accountable entities.

Resolved Issues

In return, it will receive incentive payments based on quality and cost containment instead of volume and intensity, needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost effective outcomes, likewise, accountable and responsible for the activities and status of the compliance program, including issues identified, investigated, and resolved by the compliance program.

Official Services

Your client had entered into multiple ACO arrangements with public and private payers, organizations that meet accreditation standards receive an official authorization or approval of services, also, with the shift to value-based payment, it is increasingly important to understand the components of an ACO.

Want to check how your Accountable Care Organization Processes are performing? You don’t know what you don’t know. Find out with our Accountable Care Organization Self Assessment Toolkit: