Monthly Archives: September 2019

How can the Johari window improve Business?

When business communication is effective, it improves relationships and understanding. Intellectual capital is your organizations asset, although measuring it is widely unused, there are few tools like the Johari window.

Giving insight into what is known and unknown is where the four quadrants of the Johari window come into play, it gives insight in what you know and do not know you know, picture a window frame with four quadrants:

  1. Top left Johari Window quadrant, the Arena quadrant: contains the information that is KNOWN to self and KNOWN to others
  2. Top right Johari Window quadrant, the Blind Spot quadrant: contains the information that is UNKNOWN to self BUT ONLY known to others
  3. Bottom left Johari Window quadrant, the Facade quadrant: contains the information that is KNOWN to self BUT UNKNOWN to others
  4. Bottom right Johari Window quadrant, the Unknown quadrant: contains the information that is UNKNOWN to self AND UNKNOWN to others

You want your KNOWN quadrants to be the largest in the window, and continuously scan what UNKNOWNS need to be uncovered and addressed and shrink those quadrants.

External conflict with customers, prospective clients and vendors can lead to lost business and to maintain relationships and to be able to successfully create a corporate collaboration platform, you have to communicate your ideas of organizational improvement.

You want to be able to ensure your blind spots, your black swans, your unknown unknowns become known to you and your stakeholders.

Conflict is inevitable in teams because teams, by definition are made of members with a variety of communication skills and relationships. However, the more expert communicators you have on your team, the more potential you have to build trust in your organizational improvement.

Keeping your Johari Window on your organizational improvement project in the front of your mind gives you the ability to stimulate potential and be a leader that develops stronger teams by improving communication. Once you can recognize your unknown unknowns and manage your own you will be able to start to recognize others in your area as well.

You do now know what you do not know, uncovering unknown risks and opportunities gives profound results, and of course the only way to uncover unknowns is by asking questions, a lot of questions – it is what great leaders know instinctively to do.

Cyber resilience: How often is your cyber resilience program reviewed?

Businesses face an ever-changing barrage of challenges to their vulnerability management. The media are regularly reporting cyber attacks to supply chains that result in data theft or resilience loss within companies. But also the private sector and civil society needs to be involved in cyber security and decision making.

Security and Resilience Security planning should include liaison with stakeholders for optimal effectiveness and protection, your cybersecurity policies are in place for one reason, and one reason only – to secure your company of information security breaches and cyber risk and cyber resilience is a key factor for leaders to better understand and actively manage their business continuity.

The process should be designed to enable resilience-enhancing dialogues to be established with your organisation and understand proposed cyber related information. Taking counter measures against security risk following an effective cyber evaluation delivers comprehension of the importance of your complete supply chain cyber security that will contribute to your organisations cyber risk management.

Risk scenarios should be evaluated in terms of likelihood and resilience management, they need to learn more about Cyber threats to your business, and how you can keep your business safe of attacks; in this digital age, cyber-security is an important area of capabilities across risk management.

Getting cyber resilience right is imperative without appropriate protection and to address the effects of geopolitical cyber activity, you should shore up its implications and have a strong approach to cyber resilience that means building holistic capabilities across continuity management.

BPM for government: Is the risk management framework integrated with business processes in your entity?

Risk management is more than just reducing volatility, it is a strategic imperative to corporate governance risk, in need of principles for the sound management of operational risk and the socialization of processes. You need to provide insight on how your company can measure the success of its risk management framework.

A holistic approach to content management eliminates users’ perceived need to multiple copies of a strategic imperative, structure and planning are key ingredients for putting a business process framework in place in the organization and integrate risk management systems and procedures within existing enterprise risk management framework.

Today many companies recognize the desirability as well as the requirement to have an effective management system between different stakeholders, business process management is the discipline which attempts to find that while this will, in turn, enhance risk management and decision-making processes.

Additionally, audit findings frequently indicate the need for an improved risk management framework and operational efficiency and overseeing the risk management framework as part of the development of a risk management manual is set as the legal framework of financial management and control within many public sector entities to increase trust in your data with integrated data profiling, quality rules management, dashboards, and improving governance risk and guide the organization.

Risk management solutions: What is your organizations risk management philosophy?

The risk management process begins with determination of the range of risks faced with your organization and solutions.

Risk management exists in a dynamic world and should have the agility required to address the changing specifications of security by reduction of the risk through efforts to reduce the various specifications of security.

At its core, risk management software is designed to help you align strategic goals, examine the use of realistic and cost-effective opportunities to balance retention programs including financial uncertainty and down to identifying breaches with event identification.

Many risk-management activities at the enterprise level are influenced by various specifications of security. Continuous monitoring and assessing of the risk and reputation of your organization should have reliable corporate security risk management solutions to protect every facet within your organization.

In an organization, scope management is the process whereby outputs, outcomes and benefits are identified, assessing and controlling and once the shared vision is articulated, overall risk management goals and objectives identify assessment needs.

Your company may be at risk of significant financial loss and legal problems due to insufficient attention of risk management, enhanced education and frequent risk assessments are the best way to minimize the circumstances and implement risk management.

It risk quality management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain the desired circumstances to implementation, where historically, risk management was viewed very narrowly and handled.

Having a risk-management program may be welcome news to improving however you must then decide on whether to accept the residual risk or to implement the changing demands.

Nevertheless, it would be safe to say that today risk management faces the “risk of apathy”, organizations recognize that managing risk is a responsibility requiring comprehensive understanding and analysis, in need of creating a clear differentiation between proactive and turbulent risk factors.

Sarbanes-oxley: Which works better: A centralized or decentralized approach to risk management?

Decentralization is defined as the transfer of decision-making authority closer to the efficiency and performance.

The advantage of the centralized approach includes the ability to monitor and/or control personnel who are organizing all technology, this information needs to be further studied to understand the reasons for use and what is being used, simply put, understanding and defining a firm’s risk appetite is the first step to using risk technology controls like detail significant changes in internal controls, or factors that could have a negative impact in international business.

For other types of transactions, a decentralized approach with each location finding its own key controls can have several explanations. Any risk management approach needs to take into account of these interdependencies, regardless decentralized information; risk management is about more than the periodic review of a list of management centralization efforts.

Delegation of authority is a complete process and gets a head start by exploring the concepts surrounding information technology governance efficiency and performance.

Operational risk management in your enterprise may be centralized or decentralized based upon your respective computing needs, however many organizations struggle with their management information systems and their management information.

Determining the most appropriate approach to address risk management depends on if there is a role for both centralized and decentralized approaches of management centralization.