Change Management: Are changes to baseline security configuration standards managed, tested, and approved by a formally defined change management function that includes representation from appropriate stakeholders?

Determine that a documented change management process exists and is maintained to reflect the current process, consider if change management procedures exist for all changes to the production environment, including program changes, system maintenance and infrastructure changes. Equally important, willingness of stakeholders to change (Change Management to be considered later) Read more…

Change Management: Is it normal that sometimes Projects are delivered with missing components and now Operations must fix it?

Feedback that is delivered when it is most relevant enhances learning and provides the opportunity to make any adjustments needed to meet objectives, from a business perspective change management controls development and integration costs, and since changes are known by all the stakeholders, changes are better integrated into the production Read more…

Change Management: Does the service desk receive information from change management regarding impending changes to services?

From end-to-end outsourcing to point solutions like category management, strategic sourcing and inventory management, you get you more bang for your buck, apply a structured methodology and lead change management activities Apply a change management process and tools to create a strategy to support adoption of the changes required by Read more…