Monthly Archives: November 2011

Free SCJP 1.5 Exams Papers Your Ticket to the SCJP Exam

It seems like almost everyone who are Sun Certified Java Professional (SCJP) hopefuls wants the easiest way out in passing the latest certification exam, which is SCJP 1.5 or SCJP 5.0. Well come to think of it, who does not want to get a high paying job and be included on the roster of Sun Certified Professionals (SCP)? Everyone does. Because of this, a lot of techniques were developed to make things easier for SCJP wannabes in passing the certification such as creation of review books, exam simulators and tutorials. Another way is to get a free SCJP 1.5 exam paper on various web sites to determine your readiness in stepping up to the challenge of taking the SCJP certification exam proper.

It is indeed a good strategy to practice free SCJP 1.5 exam papers. It functions as if you are taking a mock test within a specific time frame. These exam papers can also be treated as review papers as the actual SCJP 1.5 exam will cover from declarations and access control, to threads and JDK tools. An actual exam also consists of 72 questions that should be answered by the candidate in exactly 175 minutes. That is approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds that a candidate can try to answer each question. Not that bad actually.

Though these free exam papers were not authorized by Sun, it is still a must to make of use of these for your advantage. Who knows? You might be surprised that the actual tests given to you have the same content as the free exam paper that you have downloaded. Let us just say that this is a one in a million case of readiness sprinkled with luck at the same time.

Service Level Management and SLA working together

SLA + SLM (Service Level Agreement & Service Level Management)
A brief explanation of how these two fundamental concepts function together and how they can establish a better IT solution (for servicing business agendas).

A symbiotic relationship is one where two or more parties / entities share resources and / or rely on each other for survival or operations.   A good example of a symbiotic relationship would be the microscopic life-forms which resides in the human digestive system, without them, we couldn’t break down food in the way that we do.  In effect, our survival is dependent on the duties these tiny organisms perform.

You’re probably wondering what this has to do with service level management (SLM) or a Service level agreement (SLA), right?    If you haven’t already made the connection; the relationship between SLM and a SLA is essentially a symbiotic one.  For example, service level management procedures cannot be instituted without first establishing a service level agreement (which is to serve as the blueprint of sorts).  By the same token, a service level agreement is simply an outline of goals, inventory of assets, accord between parties, and a series of strategies for carrying everything out.  Like service level management however, a service level agreement cannot be instituted without the assistance of (in this case) SLM.  This is because service level management is actually the active entity responsible for instituting any SLA policies.

In many cases, the same individuals that are ultimately going to be responsible for performing the duties of the service level management are going to actually craft the service level agreement.  In fact, it would be considered odd at this point if the proposed (or current) service level manager didn’t participate in the design of their organization’s SLA.   This is because a quality service level manager is an individual that is often highly skilled, qualified, and experienced; meaning, they should have intimate knowledge about what actually works and what doesn’t.

Of course one should also keep in mind that not every situation is the same.   There’s a surprising amount of deviation and diversity present when you look at all IT departments as a whole.  Sure, they may be operating on similar principles, certifications, and systems, but everything becomes much more complex when you factor software and application into the mix.  This is just one example of why a designated service level manager must be extremely able.   After all, their parent organization(s) is depending on them to not only keep their IT systems up and running, but also to assist in devising ways of utilizing available technological assets to actually begin fulfilling “big picture” business goals and generating profits.

Anything that’s immediately relevant to current operations, goals, projects and/or aspirations will be included in a comprehensive service level agreement.  Care is also taken to explore those items / events which have the potential to become relevant in the future.

The main concern of any service level agreement is to create strategies and contingencies for every aspect in the operation of IT assets.   This is valuable not only for those directly participating in the monitoring and maintenance of IT systems, but also to the people who are involved the decision making processes of the business (or the business that an IT organization is servicing).

Things become even more crucial when you factor in that many of today’s businesses are utilizing IT in exciting new ways.  They are essentially treating IT as another department for generating profits.  This is in sharp contrast to the way IT previously functioned, which was mostly in a maintenance capacity.  Why are business leaders interested in IT as money maker, in and of itself?  It’s largely because today’s public is trending toward utilizing web services.

Almost every type of business organization these days is employing some form of internal and external web service(s).  (Internal meaning, for in-house operations and external meaning, services that customers might use).    However, an organization can’t assess their IT goals or ensure continuous operations without SLA and SLM, respectively.  Likewise, it would be nearly impossible for even the most intrepid, intelligent and daring service level manager to single-handedly formulate a strategy for achieving their bosses’ business goals while also having no idea of what might be required (hardware, software and personnel) to actually achieve them.  What SLA actually does is provide a forum for allowing all involved parties (business and tech-related) opportunity to raise their concerns and add their desires to the fold.  These ideas are then used to formulate strategies and identify components for executing them.

Service level management and a comprehensive service level agreement are the only two components needed to build a bridge between the desires of an organization and what they’re actually capable of accomplishing.  These two revolutionary concepts in establishing, monitoring, maintaining and utilizing IT services are perfect for meeting the requirements and challenges facing the modern business.

BIOS Virtualization: Is it Possible?

Whenever you integrate a device onto your computer system or install any software on it, you will need to make sure that the BIOS (the Boot Input Output System) is capable of recognizing and acknowledging the presence of any embedding that you perform on it.  The BIOS area is a crucial yet functional element that you can use.

When you launch your operating system on your computer system, it is the BIOS that calls on the attention of the operating system and in return the OS calls on the devices and any application that you have on the system. Imagine when the BIOS tries to load any application without the need to wait for the operating system to be launched?  Is this possible? Well, the answer is definite and absolute – Yes!

This kind of a technology is possible with the use of the BIOS Virtualization.  With the BIOS Virtualization, you are attempting to boot and load your computer system’s resources without the need for any operating system to do calling and supervising of these resources.  The virtualized BIOS will work as if it is the operating system that tries to manage and supervise every application software like your browser to be launched and be utilized without the presence of the real supervisor – the operating system. 

One of the pioneering companies that is able to develop and make this technology fully utilized is the Phoenix Software Solutions.  This company tries to envision a technology where at least 15 to 20 applications are capable of being executed and launched inside the virtual BIOS without the interference of the operating system. 

How Copies of Foundation Exams Can Make A Difference in Your Prince2 Certification?

Do you want to know the easiest way to pass the Prince2 Foundation certification exam? Then you may want to search for copies of Prince2 Foundation exam questions that can be downloaded from the internet. Though there is no assurance that these questions will be given again on the next exam, still it is worth a shot to find answers to these questions. This may also act as a form of a review for you. There are a lot of web sites that offer such downloadables, either for free or for a premium fee that is reasonable enough for delegates on a tight budget. It would be advantageous if you will do this as a group to lessen the load of uncovering the answers to certain challenging questions.

This has always been an issue to some since they claim that this is a sort of cheating. Well maybe it is if you will bring it with you during the exam and peep on some answers. If not, then it could just be a form of a resource material that you can take advantage of during training. However, it is not good to rely only to these exam copies in passing the exam. Candidates should still have to work their butts off in understanding the concepts and processes behind Prince2 to prepare them on taking bigger project support roles in the future.

There is nothing wrong on being resourceful. Checking on some web sites that could give you review materials before the exam is a plus on your part. Who knows? You might be surprised that the first question on the actual exam happens to be one of the questions that you have reviewed. 

What are Service Level Management Critical Success Factors

Examples of CSF (critical success factors) in service level management

In order to claim progress in any endeavor (from a scientific perspective) one has to be able to present evidence clearly showing that positive effects are being produced.   This is often done in many situations by demonstrating some particular action’s beneficial residual effect on adjacent, related or connected components.  In service level management CSF (critical success factors) are among the most obvious watermarks one can use to gauge overall effectiveness of the practice itself. 

But just what are critical success factors, and do they pertain to?     Critical success factors (in SLM) are basically benchmarks in several categories that must be met in order to ensure that IT is not only fulfilling its duties to its constituency, but also working toward realizing the larger business goals of the parent organization.   Service level management itself is a bit of a departure from established IT duties, but it is a necessary process.   This is largely due to the fact that modern businesses are increasingly relying upon the services of their IT departments to not only run their organization internally, but to also generate additional profits and/or interface with the public at large.  All of this adds up to the fact that we have already entered into an era in which a new form of business is emerging, one in which web services are becoming vital components in profit generation / retention.  What critical success factors actually seek to do is essentially make sure that the needs of clientele are being met and that the system itself is being constantly monitored for stability.

What are some specific instances of Critical Success Factors in SLM?
There are a number of critical success factors for service level management which are fairly obvious and must be taken into consideration if long term success is to be achieved.  Arguably, the biggest CSF with regards to SLM is probably ability to meet the demands of an established service level agreement.  (For those that might be unaware; a service level agreement, or SLA, is a set of pre-agreed upon boundaries and logistics that are negotiated and set up by an IT division.  The desires outlined in any SLA are meant to reinforce the business concepts and aspirations of the parent organization and provide an organized, detailed and reasonable plan for achieving them.)  At its heart, the SLA is meant to simply align the goals of any business with the processes and resources of its IT department.

It is also important that an IT department and service manager be able to present their services in a way that is both cost effective to their entire company/organization as well as the customers they might be interfacing with.  For many businesses the web services provided by IT are meant to assist in profit generation, this should always be taken into consideration. 

The most obvious CSF for service level management is probably the ability of IT to actually provide services that are meeting the needs of their parent organization’s customer base.  Through judicial application of SLM, many organizations are beginning to interface with their IT managers on business grounds, not just technical ones.  For many individuals in upper management, service level management is a way of assigning complex and crucial tasks to those in their IT departments who have the tools and experience to complete them.

Having a solid strategy in place that also allows an IT division to keep their entire system under constant surveillance is also a well recognized critical success factor.  This also goes hand in hand with the concept of cost effectiveness; after all, how can you generate profit if the system isn’t operational?  This is also true of the level(s) of IT standards and compliance present at any given time.  As a general rule, those IT organizations that are more in line with established standards for IT quality are much more likely to keep their system fully operational (for a longer duration of time with no mishaps), thereby assisting in profit generation.

It is also important that an IT organization engaging service level management practices attempt to foster an IT service society.  This not only engenders employees to participate more fully in their duties and engage in creative decision making, but also to maintain long term stability.