Value Engineering

???VALUE ENGINEERING July 2011 Mark E. Cacamis, P.E., CCM State Construction Engineer ???????Code of Virginia § 33.1-190.1. Value engineering required in certain projects. The Department shall employ value engineering in conjunction with any project on any highway system using criteria established by the Department and including but not limited to Read more…

Value Engineering Requirements For Federal-aid Projects

?Companion Guide to Video ? Project Development Design Value Engineering Requirements for Federal-aid Projects August 2013 ???Value engineering requirements on Federal-aid projects help reduce costs and improve quality Imagine you are back in time and responsible for designing one of the most impressive transportation engineering icons — the Golden Gate Read more…

Value Engineering

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Value Engineering How DOTs use this valuable tool in project development What is it? When is it used? How do we use it? ????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????What is Value Engineering? e?Value Engineering is a tool we use in project development e?Builds consensus with partners ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????What is Value Engineering? e?A formal process Read more…

Value Engineering

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Value Engineering How DOTs use this valuable tool in project development What is it? When is it used? How do we use it? ????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????What is Value Engineering? e?Value Engineering is a tool we use in project development e?Builds consensus with partners ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????What is Value Engineering? e?A formal process Read more…