Monthly Archives: December 2011

Incident Management Scope

Incident Management can be utilized to manage any event which disrupts, or has the potential to disrupt an IT service and associated business processes. Careful distinction needs to be made between the role of Event Management and Incident Management, as only events that indicate exception to normal service operation and are determined by the Event Correlation engine to be significant are escalated to Incident Management. This means that incident records may be generated as a result of:

* End users calling the Service Desk to notify of a disruption to their normal use of IT services
* Events representing an exception that are resolved using automated means, with an associated incident record also being generated for informational purposes
* An IT staff member noticing that a component of the IT infrastructure is behaving abnormally, despite no current impact on the end user community
* An end user logging an incident using self help means, which is then resolved by IT operations staff
* An external supplier observes that a portion of the IT infrastructure under their control is experiencing issues, and logs an incident ticket via email.

While the process of Request Fulfillment does typically operate in a similar fashion to Incident Management, a service request does not involve any (potential) disruption to an IT service.

What is MIS and Its Benefits to a Business Organization? -you-need-to-know-definitions-adoptions-impact-benefits-maturity-…
Content management, or CM, is the set of processes and technologies that support the collection,managing, and publishing of information in any form or 


Anyone who is involved in the Information Technology industry may have already heard of MIS.  But what does the term stand for and what does it really refer to? MIS stands for Management Information Systems, although the term is sometimes interchangeable with Information Management and Systems. In a business organization, MIS refers to the collection, processing, storage and distribution of data which is needed to reach the goals of a business organization.  For example, if you have a business organization which deals with education in general – you should make a plan of  how you can collect the data for a particular course that you are offering, how this information will be processed by the instructors, how the information will be stored and how the knowledge will be ‘distributed’ to students.

The same thing applies to all types of business organizations, whether they are in the public or private sector.  MIS benefits enterprises in the sense that the entire MIS system can be used in the decision making process.  This is especially true in a business organization which processes data a hundred percent of the time. MIS will allow you to determine the course of action to take in order to resolve a problem that you are facing as an organization.  Remember that your success as a business lies in the efficiency of your IT infrastructure or information system.  Through MIS, you can efficiently manage your data resources and handle your information system effectively so that you can lead your business organization to a resounding success.

AdWords – An Effective Money Generating Arm

In the field of online business, Google AdWords has proven effectively that when the marketing platform is concentrated and focused, there is an assurance that it can be converted into a great machine of a money generator. Google has been very consistent in its forecast that the AdWords marketing arm alone is capable of sustaining the whole machinery that it has.  

Google has the highest recorded revenue in the year 2007 when it hit the all-time high revenue mark at a whopping $17B.  This magnanimous leap in the online industry made other gigantic marketing companies that Google was indeed right and sane in its claim that AdWords alone can be an effective money generating arm.  

The Google company was able to penetrate some of the biggest names in the online arena such as America Online, Earthlink engine, Howstuffworks site, and the Blogger. With this great move, the more chance Google had to become even more powerful.  These big names owning big and superlatively wide in reach has made it possible for Google to create a better avenue for their marketing plans and strategies to work on their advantage.

Every advertisement or AdWords that Google has successfully had, it can now use these big sites as the avenue to display and advertise all the AdWords that they have.  In which case, Google then is able to find a better and more noticeable avenue for these advertisements to become a lot more noticeable.  This move has created a big impact on those who would like to have an advertisement.  

Knowledge Management Wiki: An Emerging Technology

The injection of the Wiki technology in the emerging and evolving knowledge management theory is such a brilliant idea that is ever conceived. Wiki as a tool allows its users a very powerful feature to perform editing, modification, and removal of elements in a page using any existing web browser. The Knowledge Management as being a powerful mechanism in terms of database and record handling needs the help of another powerful tool like Wiki to make sure that database handling goals are ultimately achieved in the most efficient way. Therefore, the fusion of such two great concepts could hardly result into a failure.

So, what does Wiki have to make it a potent element in the use and application of knowledge management in an organization?

Wiki possesses an essential and integral characteristic in terms of data capture and processing that allows for knowledge management to maximize its potentials in terms of producing real-time information needed by decision makers in the organization. The innate capacity of the Wiki tool is beyond comparison and thus makes it a strong and potent mixture element with knowledge management. More important to note, Wiki is strongly being recommended in handling big and complex projects that makes it perfectly fit to be combined with knowledge management as the latter is usually being required to be implemented under bigger and complex project environment. However, the only drawback of Wiki when combined with Knowledge Management is the fact that it sometimes poses some compatibility issues with other software/programs that you may wish to incorporate within the system. However, more than that, all issues are deemed settled.

Define Change Management For Newbies

There are many conclusions in the field of change management nowadays
which can be applied in general ways to practically all organizations.

One very important conclusion is that change management can be deemed
effective if it can produce changes in the behavior of target
audiences. For example, if the change management program is supposed
to change the attitude of employees towards their work so that they
like coming to work, success can be proven if productivity later goes
up. But if employee absenteeism goes up instead, then apparently
something went wrong in the change management program – either the
design was wrong in the first place, or the way it was implemented
was faulty as well.

Another conclusion we can make about change management is that true
results can only be reaped over a reasonable amount of time. For
instance, if the program planners expect results to show up within
just a month from implementation, that may be too soon to reasonably
expect results. But if the planners wait for a year first, and then
look for results, that may be more reasonable.

A last and very fundamental conclusion that can apply to any
organization is that no one likes to be coerced to adopt changes.
Thus, hard-sell methods for initiating a change management program in
an organization may not work very well because the organization
members (particularly employees) may believe they are being pressured
to adopt changes that they truly do not believe in and would like to
resist instead.

Change Management is a term used to describe the whole process of
monitoring changes which are being initiated while a product or
service is being developed by an organization. The goal of change
management is to prevent errors from occurring during the
development process, as well as to limit the possible impact of these
changes on the organizational processes which already exist.

Changes during product or service development can be subdivided into
either authorized changes or unauthorized changes. The first category
pertains to those changes which decision makers within the
organization have initiated themselves, which means they are prepared
for the impact of such changes later on. The second category refers
to changes which the members of the organization are not prepared to
encounter, and whose possible impact on organizational processes may
not have been anticipated well enough.

When change management is undertaken properly, the impact of any
unforeseen changes can be absorbed and mitigated so that the
organization does not suffer massive losses (financial or otherwise).
Change management also allows authorized changes to work without
interfering with pre-existing organizational processes and vice

Change control procedures is the term used to describe the change
management steps that are set in place before, during, and after the
changes have been initiated. Changes, in themselves, can be rather
small (such as those involved in a group project) or of massive
magnitude (such as when the organization as a whole shifts core
competencies, or focuses on a new line of work.)

For change management to be successful, particularly during
establishment of defined change control procedures, it is necessary
for the decision makers to be able to communicate their plans to all
members of the organization, and even external audiences, so that
everyone can be prepared for what is to come.