Monthly Archives: March 2012

Cloud Computing training vs. Cloud Computing Certification

Cloud Computing:  Training vs. Certification

Simply put, Cloud Computing is everywhere these days.  More and more institutions are not only adopting cloud technologies, they are also using them to promote products / services to individuals (cloud storage, music, gaming and email immediately spring to mind).  However, the real “action” with regards to cloud computing use and development is currently situated firmly in the business, academic and governmental realms.

Over the last few years, great strides have been made which has allowed the aforementioned professional organizations to utilize cloud technologies in a number of ways.  Arguably, the main reason why most businesses or organizations adopt cloud computing in the first place is because of its ability to trim associated energy consumption costs.

However, once these organizations see the inherent power and possibilities in “the cloud” they often begin exploring new potentially creative applications for the technology.  This of course generates a demand for qualified personnel to maintain and manage cloud infrastructure(s) from within the IT community.  After all, (when all is said and done) it is the duty of IT to service other organizations and help them to facilitate their long and short-term goals (by way of technology, of course).

This increased demand for IT personnel with cloud computing experience is both a growing problem in the IT industry as well as a glorious opportunity (for those who jump on it right now).  As we all know, in the world of IT, those who possess increasing levels of certification and training are often the recipients of salary hikes and promotions; those with more knowledge and experience are “hotter commodities”.  The real question is; what’s a better solution for your unique situation, cloud training or certification?

For most individuals, the immediate tendency might be to seek out the cheaper solution, which would be training (sans certification).  It is important to note that most supplementary cloud education programs generally bundle certification in with the training aspect.  If, for example, you are an IT manager that is in the process of trying to adapt your team’s knowledge base to include cloud technologies, a training program (for your subordinates) might be completely adequate.   However, if you are an individual IT professional, cloud certification is definitely worth considering simply because of the prestige it adds to your qualifications and resume’.

Cloud training is merely another aspect of any certification course, but without the certification element attached, it might be difficult for employers to ascertain what you are capable of.   In other words, certification is always preferable over training and fosters career strength and longevity.   A good general “rule-of-thumb” might be, certification for careerists and training for in-house teams looking to adopt cloud computing technologies.

In truth, every single IT professional should be clamoring to attain some form of cloud computing certification (infrastructure or security).  Not only are trending advocates predicting an increasing shift away from traditional IT models to the cloud, they’re also envisioning the average consumer utilizing cloud technologies in innumerable ways.  Regardless of whether or not cloud computing actually replaces traditional IT, we must realize the amazing potential inherent in it (cloud computing).

Businesses are crafting new ways to carry out their operations and service their customers, thanks to cloud computing.  Governmental organizations are using cloud computing to not only improve inter-communications but to trim their annual budgets.   While cloud computing for the average consumer seems to be currently limited to entertainment, it is still more than apparent that cloud technologies not only work for them, but actually enhance or simplify their experience(s).

Seeking out cloud certification is not only an extremely prudent career decision it is also an excellent way to insulate oneself from the changing tides of the industry; which is more important than ever given the state of the global economy and markets.  With the added security that cloud certification brings to a career you also have prestige.  If you’re the kind of individual that has their sights set on a management position within your organization, cloud certification is another great step in that direction.

Even if you’re not motivated by climbing the corporate ladder, so to speak, the knowledge you will gain from a cloud certification program will mold you into a well-rounded IT professional who’s ready for the future.  The bottom line is that the IT industry is changing; it is adopting cloud computing and integrating its technologies in every direction, only those who are complicit in this transformation will be truly valued as employees.

Are bold enough to stake your claim in a cloud-centric future?  Click here to find out.

Examining Cloud security certification

Examining Cloud security certification

When we speak of a cloud security certification program we are actually speaking of a multi-level course which comprises several different areas; namely, cloud foundation, security, and ISO / IEC.  Cloud security is a specialized area within the realm of cloud computing, its aim (as the name implies) is to establish and maintain an infrastructure which is not only free from unauthorized access / data breaches, but also able to foster an accord with established policies.  Those seeking certification in cloud security obviously have an agenda and are perhaps building upon current career opportunities.

First off, we should all be aware that cloud computing is an area of technology which is still under development; it doesn’t have history or hindsight required to elevate it to the same status as that of traditional IT.  This is of course slowly changing; new advances in all areas of cloud computing (including security) are occurring all the time.  This is not to say however, that cloud computing is underdeveloped, because it is in fact, very functional, useful and ground-breaking despite its youthful status.

Likewise, much has been said and written about cloud security and how it might be lacking.  However, along with any negative assessments of cloud security, we must also its beneficial characteristics.  While cloud security is certainly not perfect, it still offers a great deal of protection from any number of threats and is capable of adapting to any and all future challenges in this regard.   The bottom line is that cloud security is young, valid, and more than capable of adapting to future challenges.

Getting back to certifications for cloud security; what should be included in an educational package?   To truly understand the how’s and why’s of cloud security one needs to be able to grasp the fundamentals of cloud computing itself.   Arguably, the best way to absorb the fundamental concepts of cloud computing is through a foundation training course.  Foundation training provides those who study it with a more comprehensive overview of the infrastructure, components, and inner-workings of various cloud models and relates that information to useful realistic examples.  A cloud foundation element provides IT professionals with the necessary knowledge needed to both understand what cloud computing is and how they (as individuals) might better service it.

In addition to grasping the concepts of cloud computing and technology, those seeking security certification will also need to familiarize themselves with ISO / IEC.  For those not already familiar with ISO / IEC, it is a collection of practices for managing security.  Among the areas covered within the ISO / IEC are:

  1. Risk assessment
  2. Security policy
  3. Organization of information security
  4. Asset management
  5. Human resources security
  6. Physical and environmental security
  7. Communications and operations management
  8. Access control
  9. Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance
  10. Information security incident management
  11. Business continuity management
  12. Compliance

Becoming intimately familiar with the ISO / IEC (including the most up-to-date version, which is currently 27002) is absolutely critical to not only understanding how IT security works and how it is implemented, but also in how these concepts might be applied or adapted to a cloud model.  Some cloud security certification programs will often utilize some form of supplementary material(s) for relating ISO / IEC to real-world situations, the ISO / IEC toolkit found here is a great example of this.

Overall, attaining certification in cloud security is not only a step forward in terms of potential salary increases and promotions, but also in one’s ability to function in an evolving field.  Given that cloud security is (in many ways) still in a developmental phase, there are a number of opportunities available to those who truly want to make an impact in the field.  In this way, cloud computing security is among one of the best areas to specialize in, especially for creative problem solvers, as it can allow for much greater “upward career mobility” than other areas, perhaps.

Click here for access to one of the best cloud security programs on the market.

Click here for a complete listing of various cloud computing certification programs.

The Service Management of ITIL

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library is composed of six sets of best standard books. One of the sets is the IT Service Management which is divided into two areas, the Service Support and the Service Delivery. Even if ITIL® is consist of many areas, it certainly focuses on the area of IT service management. The two areas that are mentioned are consist of different disciplines that are responsible for the effectiveness of the management of the IT services. There are some questions that can be used as guide to manage the services properly. Is the measurement of the IT results based on the outcome of the business? Can problems be identified and solved even before it threatens the goal of the business? Can the manager control the risks in the business due to the changes that may either be planned or unplanned? Does the manager have the right control of the processes regarding service management and can he comply with the requirements?

It must be remembered that businesses today must have a strong foundation to respond to the growing demand for growth, competitive threats, mergers, changes in the market and regulatory compliance. Due to these different demands, IT departments are looking and developing more ways to meet with all the demands and implement it in a cost-effective and sustainable way. 

IT departments turn to the IT service management framework of ITIL® for this kinds of processes. However, it must also be remembered that the service management of ITIL® is not a solution but a framework. It only tells the things that should be done but not the solution on how to do it. ITIL® are sets of standard and best practices.


Three reasons why IT professionals need to consider a CCP ( Cloud Computing pathway) program…

3 reasons why IT professionals need to consider a CCP (cloud computing pathway) program…

As you are no doubt already aware, cloud computing is going mainstream.  While there are programs which have been steadily turning out cloud computing specialists for a while now, there will still likely be a shortfall with regards to technical specialists in the field.  In other words, cloud computing is going to soon require an influx of individuals with solid backgrounds in all areas of cloud computing.

To say that IT pros should get “cloud-certified” is an understatement.   If you are an IT professional you should realize that it is very likely that cloud computing will replace the traditional IT model.   Even if a complete “changing of the guard” doesn’t occur (traditional to cloud), chances are, cloud computing technologies will continue to evolve and adapt, perhaps melding with traditional IT in unforeseen ways.

Here are 3 solid reasons why IT professionals need to strongly consider a CCP (cloud computing pathway) program:

#1 – Present and Future Job Security
If you are keeping up with trending topics in science, technology, computing and even the global markets, you should already know that cloud computing is a hot area of discussion.  There are high expectations for cloud computing being touted by even the most esteemed in the technical community.

As we have already seen, cloud technologies have infiltrated big business, academia and government; with private use by consumers and enterprise(s) following closely behind.  The point is, a push toward a complete adoption of cloud computing is already underway; and on multiple fronts.  I shouldn’t have to tell you that those IT professionals who don’t have experience with cloud technologies are going to need to adapt, failure to do so will only render them obsolete (from an organizational perspective).

#2 – Opportunity:  To Become a Functional / Literate with Cloud Technology
Since it’s clear that cloud computing is here to stay and might replace traditional IT entirely, it only makes sense to familiarize oneself with it.   Just imagine the future opportunities that wait for those who were intrepid enough to see the inherent value of quality cloud training and certification.  Right now is the perfect time for IT workers to jump into the cloud; not only are there numerous, affordable, and accredited certification programs available, but the industry isn’t overtly flooded with individuals who are cloud-compliant.

Every cloud computing success story is accompanied by an influx of businesses eager to adopt or co-opt it.  As more and more cloud technologies get adopted, the demand for qualified, creative, and forward-thinking personnel also increases.  Those individuals who have the right qualifications and experience will be poised for promotions and enhanced responsibilities.

To put it simply, there is a giant opportunity here for those with the foresight to expand their knowledge base to include cloud computing; you’ll never be “on the cutting-edge” if you’re always playing “catch-up”.

#3 – Meeting the Demands of the Cloud Computing Industry
The entire IT industry is going to show increasing demand for qualified personnel soon, and perhaps very quickly.  It is unclear as to whether or not there are enough individuals to cover and / or meet these demands.  This is very important to IT professionals as a group because a widespread failure to meet the demands of the industry could create a backlash against the IT community itself.  If such a think were to occur it could not only undermine the importance of IT, but might also influence salaries and decision-making processes as well.   The point is, the entire IT community needs to examine cloud computing certification / training in greater detail so that it can not only better service its clients, but also simply perform its duties.

What is a cloud computing pathway program (CCP)?
A cloud computing pathway program is essentially a complete solution for absorbing virtually everything you need to know about cloud computing and technologies as thoroughly and quickly as possible.  It comprises several different areas including:

  • Foundation
  • Virtualization
  • SaaS and Web Applications
  • PaaS Platform and Storage Management
  • Managing Services in the Cloud

The purpose of such a program is to familiarize IT specialists with a working body of knowledge concerning cloud computing so that they might be able to effectively function in it.  A pathway program should also include a dedicated and comprehensive certification solution in order to better position the student to take advantage of opportunities in the marketplace.  Simply put, this type of program is perfect for those with drive and initiative who might be eyeing future positions within management.

It’s unclear as to when cloud computing will eclipse the traditional IT model, but it does seem to be headed in that direction.  As previously stated, only those individuals who were able to realize the inherent value of cloud-based education will be able to fully take advantage of future cloud-computing based career opportunities.  Why not start walking down that pathway, right now?

Click Here for instant access to one of the top Cloud Computing Pathway programs available.

What to look for in a Cloud Computing certification course

What to look for in a Cloud Computing certification course

If you’re among the many individuals who understand the significance of cloud computing (and its related technologies) you are probably already on the lookout for a quality supplementary educational program (in this area).    Cloud Computing has taken the world by storm in a very short amount of time and seems to be growing / advancing at an alarming rate.  For those employed within the IT community, this is a clear sign that additional training and certification are in order.

As you may well already be aware, a number of high-profile experts (including those who work in or alongside some very well known companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc) are anticipating an industry-wide shift toward cloud computing at some very near point in the future; meaning, cloud technologies might replace the traditional IT model entirely.  However, even if this doesn’t happen, the fact of the matter is that “the cloud” has already been adopted by an eye-opening cast of characters.  Among those who have implemented cloud computing are high-profile corporations, academic institutions and even governmental organizations across the globe.  In other words, most cloud computing pursuits (right now) seem to be limited to larger groups with specific business goals / demands.  The use of cloud technologies by individuals is certainly on the rise, but seems to be angled, or rather limited to entertainment (and perhaps email).  Sure, there are a number of other cloud-enabled products that the average consumer can pursue, but individuals have yet to embrace cloud computing with the same aplomb as that of businesses.   However, once again, industry experts and trends forecasters are predicting that cloud computing will soon take the world by storm.

It is very likely that cloud computing will either (at the very least) become an integral part of most traditional IT models, or replace the current system entirely. This underscores a very important point for IT professionals and asks the question, “how exactly should we prepare for widespread adoption of cloud computing?”  The most obvious answer to that question is, “through a quality cloud computing certification program”.

So, what should you be looking for in a cloud computing certification course?

While cloud computing is far from being considered a fully developed area, there is still a large amount of extremely pertinent and useful information to absorb.  Your certification program should not only familiarize you with every major aspect of cloud computing itself, but also point you toward more pertinent areas which will reinforce your “career duties”, if you will.  Likewise, a quality cloud computing training program should also be able to present you with the most up-to-date information available from the most recent reputable sources.

Certification Preparation
Aside from merely educating individuals a great cloud cert program needs to be able to really prepare you for your certification test(s).  In fact, a top notch program should be able to help you pass any test upon the first try.  The best prep programs for cloud computing often include mock-up tests which are perfect reflections of what one would encounter on a real cert exam.

Expertly designed course
In order to facilitate learning and ensure that students retain as much information about the subject as possible, it is necessary that a course be designed by an industry insider / expert.  An expertly designed course facilitates accelerated learning and gets individuals to think about cloud computing in a more comprehensive, or inclusive fashion.

Digital Delivery
The best cloud computing certification courses are digitally delivered, over the internet; this is often referred to as e-learning.  These programs are as portable as they are informative and thorough, and because they are deployed digitally, you can study anywhere, at any time.  Cloud computing certification and training is a breeze when you can simply open up your laptop, tablet, or mobile device and jump back into your course; compare this with schedule-destroying courses at a local college.

Affordability / Cost-Effectiveness
Finally, we have the affordability factor to contend with.   While it’s true that it is possible to take a cloud computing certification / preparation course at some local university, you must realize that a classroom-based program will cost hundreds of dollars more.   Digitally delivered cloud courses not only better prepare students for career challenges and certification exams, but they are also relatively inexpensive and won’t conflict with a busy work schedule.  If you are already working full-time, having to attend a class is beyond problematic, and how are you supposed to truly absorb the information if you’re inconvenienced?  In other words, it’s not very cost-effective to spend large sums of money on a course where you are not going to get the maximum benefit; this makes online cloud certification and training is best the solution, overall.

If you’re ready to take the next step toward preparing yourself and your career for big shifts toward cloud technology, click here.