Monthly Archives: November 2012

QR Codes, coming to a business near you?

QR Codes, coming to a business near you?

…That is of course, if they’re not already there

It was just last month (September 2012) that a bill was approved in NYC that required all licensed / inspected organizations and businesses to display a corresponding QR code. The idea behind this ruling is that anyone can simply traipse by, snag a snapshot of their quick response code and instantly find a bevy of information online about the corresponding business. This ruling comes on the heels of another New York initiative to make all public data about a business available via online sources (by 2016). The most recent bill is to be implemented immediately and allots institutions up to one calendar year to comply.

New York is always ahead of the game it seems (in many different respects). What this initiative is trying to create is a new type of instantly available consumer service, the likes of which will allow the average person to make more informed consumer decisions on the spot.

But before investigate the applications and ramifications of this landmark initiative, here’s a little info for those who are just discovering QR Codes (or, Quick Response Codes) for the first time. A QR code is basically a new approach to the traditional barcode. Although there are various sizes, your basic QR code is a square with three smaller square markers (used for positioning) in their corresponding corners as well as a forth smaller square being present to help with alignment.

Inside the square however, there are various patterns that encode different types of information. Virtually anything can be programmed, stored or conveyed in a QR code, the only limitation is once again, relative size. Originally, QR codes were used solely in the automotive industry, but now they’ve found their way into all levels of retail and beyond. These days, you can find these codes virtually everywhere, and they’re often used to redirect individuals to a particular website.


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Anyway, getting back on point; by having QR codes available on or near all businesses, it would provide a very easy means for individual consumers to access critical information very quickly. For instance, being able to queue up health department scores for restaurants, critical reviews, or even access to special promotions is beyond being simply “handy” from the point-of-view of your average consumer. Given the somewhat ambiguous names and purposes of some shops, having a QR code available to quickly scan would also allow people to more readily understand what a business is selling or trying to achieve.

However, businesses will be able to take advantage of this initiative in new ways as well. As mentioned, scanning a business’ QR code might lead the hapless consumer to some form of promotion or advertisement; why couldn’t businesses use this opportunity to add a dash of interactive potential to the mix? For instance, once a prospective consumer scans the corresponding business’ QR code, they might be able to walk through the store receiving random bits of useful information about specific products.


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Likewise, the idea of virtual shopping is becoming increasingly appealing in modern society. It is very likely that this NYC initiative might lead to a new form of virtual shopping wherein consumers simply scan the QR code outside and then run through the store quickly scanning any additional QR codes which correspond to the products they want to buy (think of it as a way to “do your grocery list in public”). The purpose of this being, later on, your items would be delivered at a specific time.

On the more immediate side of things however, having a mandate in place which requires businesses to have QR codes available, will undoubtedly have a positive effect on restaurants and most businesses. Certainly no one is benefiting from being located next door to unhealthy, unruly or outright dangerous establishments. Having a system like this in place will allow consumers to learn more about a business, but it might also allow them to share information in a broader manner as well. In other words, just imagine what might happen if social networking were to get interwoven into this project; that would be very interesting indeed.

How Gamification can help boost profits and potential

How Gamification can help boost profits and potential

When you think “games” the first things that comes to mind is “fun”, right? Without a doubt the idea of making mundane tasks more fun and engaging is a great way to improve participation, but it also can increase overall comprehension. However, it’s generally not enough to simply give people amusement without any perceived gains; this is where Gamification and the idea of instituting various types of “rewards” come into play.

Gamification is basically a slightly more sophisticated approach that can be used by those seeking to sell products and/or services to consumer audiences. In your typical approach, the idea is to create your own “brand currency” in some respects; like experience points or some form of incremental rewards program. This allows consumers to build or perceive value on many different fronts. For example, there’s the enjoyment of the gaming aspect itself, plus a clear initiative to keep returning for more (perhaps accumulating experience points). This allows for both the “building of a brand” as well as facilitates the creation of a more extensive social network around certain products or services.


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Arguably, building a social network around a product or service is one of the hardest things to do correctly. This is why you must apply Gamification in the proper way if you want to get results. First off, it’s important to create Gamification elements that have a broad enough appeal so as to interest a fairly large number of people. Don’t choose some obscure concept or try to implement something extremely esoteric, people will just click away. A classic approach is to latch onto current trends, particularly in gaming. For example, when the PC / 360 / PS3 game,” Skyrim” was released, it made sense for those implementing Gamification in other areas to present games with similar themes, artwork or tasks (because of the wide appeal of the title and it’s incredible popularity). Try to think of it as “giving the people what they want”. Likewise, if your control schemes and /or objectives are too obscure, you’ll simply alienate your audience.  Additionally, any and all rewards (systems of merit) should be clearly understandable and easily conveyed in a sentence or two.

Perhaps the biggest way that Gamification helps to boost profits and potential is in creating a memorable experience for consumers and site visitors. The average person is bombarded by so much information and graphic ads on a daily basis that it’s very important as a retailer to find new ways to engage them directly. Through Gamification, you can not only build a more captive consumer audience, you can also gain greater insight into what they’re looking for. Since most approaches to Gamification are deployed through social media outlets, those participating often freely offer their thoughts and opinions. Given that Facebook is a big outlet for just this type of approach, retailers should keep a close eye on popular users that are following / participating in their Gamification program(s) as they can often gain greater insight into what the public actually wants. This approach more than any other will often lead to the creation of better customer programs and service/product improvements (it’s also been called “getting the information straight from the horse’s mouth”).


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Gamification also helps to capture certain sectors of the consumer base that aren’t easily swayed by traditional advertising. People in certain age groups don’t respond very well to traditional advertising; for those participating in many communities across the web, this is well understood. These types of individuals are often attracted to the social aspects of a product or service more so than the actual item in question (although it’s vitally important that your product have some intrinsic value, that should be a given). However, once a retailer is able to capture a significant number of people falling into this category, they tend to greatly increase the effectiveness of one’s advertising campaign.

In terms of the overall approach to Gamification, the idea is to introduce consumers into short-term gains programs with the goal being to initiate them into longer-term membership programs. Between increasing through / returning traffic and having consumers enrolled in some form of rewards program, you should be able to entice a larger number of sales and provide enough incentive to keep them coming back for more.

Is BIG data the next big “boom” sector in IT?

Is BIG data the next big “boom” sector in IT?


It has been said (quite accurately in fact), that “If you want to see what future changes are coming your way, you need only look to Wall Street”. This doesn’t imply that technologies are being built there, of course, but that it is these insiders who are among the first to see the demand for certain specialties increasing. One of the areas in which demand has been increasing very rapidly these days is in the database sector. In a nutshell, big financial firms are on the lookout for all manner of IT specialist, particularly those who can handle BIG data. However, the demand isn’t simply relegated to storage concerns; we’re seeing increased calls for technically proficient employees across the board (Java, Python, SQL, Cloud, and a host of others).

What’s the one thing that virtually all the aforementioned areas have in common? That’s right; they have direct ties to increased demand for database specialists. However, one has to wonder what’s actually driving this, correct? Simply put, BIG data has emerged in a very big way and is creating waves throughout all sectors of IT and beyond.


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BIG data is both a problem and an opportunity; it’s basically something that absolutely must be addressed ASAP simply because of the ongoing explosion of massive amounts of data. This infographic from perfectly demonstrates why BIG data is becoming somewhat troublesome and why there will likely be some great career opportunities coming online over the next few years.


From the same infographic:

Every minute of every day –


  • 571 new websites are created

  • Youtube users upload 48 hours of video

  • 2,000,000 Google searches are performed

  • Over 200, 000, 000 emails are sent

  • 100,000 tweets go out

  • Over 650,000 new items are shared via Facebook

  • Over $250,000 of web sales are tallied

  • Etc…


The point is, the floodgates of data are open and information is pouring out from every direction imaginable. In the tech and IT communities, the goal isn’t to try and limit this stream, it’s to find better ways to manage and analyze it. Additionally, the aforementioned figures are projected to increase exponentially on an annual basis, so if suitable means for managing BIG data are not reached, major problems will arise as a result. Naturally, this realization translates into increased job demand from companies all across the board.

If you can imagine the constant stream of data as a type of limitless natural resource, it becomes clear that there is inherent value to all of this content. Perhaps a better question to ask is why haven’t more institutions made bolder steps toward tacking the BIG data problem sooner? Nevertheless, the time for tackling these issues is now and companies are investing heavily in IT personnel who have the skills which might allow them to navigate database problems and deal with BIG data issues.

Businesses are increasingly coming to the realization that IT isn’t just something that is supposed to ensure technical operations, but that it can actually drive growth and even lead in some cases. In high-frequency trading (this has become the standard mode of operation on Wall Street), the success or failure of firms’ stock or trading activities on any given day are largely dependent on the duties performed by their hardware and algorithms.

The point is, we’re seeing the value of technical skills and operations increasing in multiple sectors in many different ways, with no end in sight. For a business to be able to jump even a few “inches” ahead of the competition (from a technological standpoint) is considered a major win these days and often leads to increased gains, or at the very least, helps to avoid major risks.


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However, it isn’t necessarily businesses which are driving the demand for BIG data specialists in IT as much as it is the simple fact that extremely large pools of data are continuously created on a daily basis. In other words, the demand for careerists specializing in BIG data is a direct response to the natural tendencies of the consumer population at large. Or to put it another way, some IT professionals are going to need to shift into BIG data in order to deal with the challenges it poses to infrastructure as well as modern business practices.

Gamification and the Green movement

Gamification and the Green movement


There’s been a lot of talk and attention paid to the direction the Green movement has recently taken. Simply put, more companies are focusing on their carbon footprint and making plans for the upcoming carbon credits system. The problem it seems is not in getting people (and employees) to grasp the concept of what it means to be “green”, but in actually spurring the movement forward, keeping track of progress and even creating rewards.

Well, to get right to the point, CloudApps has released SuMo (an abbreviated version of Sustainability Momentum) which allows employers to both track employee progress and spur activity within the goals of the green movement itself all by means of a Gamification platform. That’s right; the SuMo app allows companies to essentially create a more competitive drive in any area they desire through gaming elements like “leveling up”, earning badges, leader boards, as well as specific challenges. In the same way that retailers are using Gamification to drive up consumer participation and interest, other businesses can use the technology to entice employees to achieve more.


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This isn’t just an interesting use of Gamification however; it is an entirely new approach to generating initiative within any corporate structure. For example, most of us have encountered negative reinforcement at some point in our lives, so you should already be aware of how it tends to drive down participation and provoke more of a defensive response.

SuMo is the antithesis to negative reinforcement; instead of offering employees ultimatums like “reduce your energy usage to this level or else”, you foster an atmosphere of rewards where everyone wants to participate and is aptly rewarded for doing so. However, this application can also be applied in any number of other areas; the only limit is your own imagination.

Additionally, this approach further enforces social networking within the workplace, which brings your team(s) closer together and allows the organization to gain access to better ideas. Likewise, each and every participant’s goals will be tailored to their skill-set, abilities and position within their organization; we’re talking about much more efficient use of individual time and energy here.

Moreover, as the overall atmosphere of the workplace is transformed into a place where people look forward to participating in, it is very likely that a much higher caliber of employee will be attracted to the business as well. A better experience for employees, more efficient workers for the institution, and increased productivity all around, this is the end result.


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What’s more, and as the name clearly implies, CloudApps is a company that delivers applications for cloud-based infrastructures. So, if your business has already adopted cloud computing (or is perhaps contemplating or in the process of transitioning to it) then SuMo can be fully integrated into your system. Naturally, you’ll want to consider having your IT employees certified in both Cloud Computing and Gamification; both of which are currently being offered at extraordinarily affordable prices by reputable providers.


For those organizations that are very Green-minded, cloud computing is well-known to be the most powerful and energy-efficient type of networking/computing technology currently available; so this paring with SuMo is a “match made in heaven” by any measure. Any business that’s serious about reducing their carbon footprint needs to explore what cloud computing has to offer.

The truly great thing about Gamification however, is that it creates a sense of camaraderie while at the same time allowing the larger goals and interests of any business to come forward. Even the most experienced and “conscious” employee can lose sight of the corporate mission from time to time; through Gamification however, these larger objectives can be broken down into subsets which individuals can focus on in lieu of the big picture. It’s basically a way to engage all employees on their own terms and turf, so to speak. In turn, those organizations which have a mind to participate in the Green revolution will have a powerful tool that they can use to improve internal efficiency as well as reduce the size of their carbon footprint.

All about QR Codes

All about QR Codes


When QR Codes first came onto the commercial scene they were greeted mostly with a lot of confused looks and head scratching, now, they’re basically everywhere you look. Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) were originally deployed in the automotive industry because they allow for a much faster scans than conventional bar codes. Because these codes can integrate much more information than a standard bar, they are extremely useful in a wide variety of situations and applications.

Today, QR codes are used to identify most products (even some businesses) in addition to other high tech applications. For example, perhaps you’ve been at home watching TV and an advertisement for some type of contest pops up on screen? Nowadays they simply display a QR code on screen which viewers at home can simply take pictures of with their smartphones; this allows a person to do things like enter contests or visit websites very quickly without having to physically type anything into a keypad.

However, aside from its uses in advertising and consumer packaging, QR codes have found their way into public information databases as well as currency. For instance, in some parts of the world, QR codes are displayed on street signs and plaques (for commuters or tourists), anyone with a smartphone can then theoretically snap a picture and be directed to an informative site where they can receive assistance. If this type of technology were used in tandem with real-time machine-based translation services it could greatly enhance tourism for many individuals. Additionally, a Dutch coin was minted in 2011 which prominently featured a QR code. Although scanning this code simply redirects you to a commemorative site, it’s clear that this is a very powerful, useful and versatile technology which will likely be around for a quite a long time (or until it’s replaced by an improved version, of course).


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It’s very important to note that virtually all mobile devices being manufactured and produced today have incorporated some form of QR code reader / scanner into their basic design. This sort of hints at an increased use of the technology all across the board in both consumer capacities as well as perhaps professional duties as well. More and more retailers (both online and off) are dashing to incorporate products which utilize QR codes in lieu of traditional methods. If you are employed in the IT field this might be a great opportunity to take advantage of any specialized certification(s) you might have attained with regards to QR code technology. Likewise, if you haven’t explored any certification programs for QR Code training, now is the time to do so.

Arguably, the most important recent use of QR codes comes from the emergence of what are known as “virtual stores”. How does it work, exactly? There might be lighted product display boards strategically positioned around a city; perhaps at the bus stop, etc... On these boards are product listings with their corresponding QR code(s); in order to make a purchase, all the consumer needs to do is take a snapshot of the code and then their goods will be delivered to their home at a specified date. Needless to say, the technology has already been tested in several markets and “works like a charm”. So, to make a long story short, expect to see more of these types of virtual stores popping up on a corner near you somewhere.


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In any event, retail isn’t the only sector that’s seeing increased use of QR codes, specialty sites have popped up recently which allows users to store or encode data via the format. While this might seem necessary to some, rest assured there are some individuals who are already making excellent use of these types of capabilities. For instance, the conversion and return rates for certain types of web traffic (in all areas) have seen big increases due to the introduction of QR codes.

One of the main reasons that the IT industry needs more qualified / certified individuals who are capable of handling QR Code technology is due to emerging security threats. A current method of attack (called “attagging”) involves replacing or pasting new QR Codes on top of others in an effort to either gain access to a person’s smartphone / network or perhaps infect them with some type of malicious software. While every new potential threat is being met with the appropriate counter response, it’s important to note that there is definitely room for growth in this area, career-wise.

For those employed in the IT sector, the use of QR Codes is increasing, as are the potential uses for the technology. We’ve already started seeing them emerge everywhere that commerce is found, but also in situations you wouldn’t normally expect. The bottom line is, we’re probably going to see this type of technology applied to every area you can think of and those who are in a position to take advantage of their unique knowledge in this area will find their skills to be in high demand.