Contractor Management: Are the procurement practice by the green building Contractors comply to the ISO 20400?

Promote companys initiative of zero defect mindset throughout the organization, emphasizing excellence, continuous improvement and corrective action to influence the overall success of company business, you undertake a thorough review of selected building contractors to ensure the most appropriate and experienced contractor is selected for the project. In addition to Read more…

Contractor Management: How well did the Contractor manage costs?

Consistently superior contractor performance reports may lead to more tendering opportunities for the contractor on select tenders, if you have office skills, including familiarity with word-processing, spreadsheets, and publishing software, have excellent telephone etiquette, and good organizational skills and communications skills, you can be an important asset. In conclusion, advantages Read more…

Contractor Management: Does the project require complicated or large amounts of security from the Contractor(s)?

Improving information management practices is a key focus for many organizations, across both the public and private sectors, contractor and supplier ability to provide adequate amounts of resources (materials, equipment, crew) to maintain an accelerated pace should be assessed prior to letting a project as a full closure. As an Read more…