Data Privacy Risk: Which information risk analysis method/s could you use?

It is important to protect the proprietary and confidential information of your organization from being unintentionally altered by trusted individuals or intentionally altered by unauthorized individuals and thus affected by data loss, cyber-attacks, system failures, and natural disasters. For the most part, overlay analysis to find locations meeting certain criteria Read more…

Data Privacy Risk: Where is consumer data privacy on your strategic agenda for payments?

Protecting the integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions is critical to an organization’s function. To start, identify the risks that could impact your strategic objectives, business functions, and services and automate employee data and communication monitoring to meet regulatory compliance and internal initiatives. Multiple Read more…

Risk Appetite: Are your security activities as cost-efficient as possible, given your risk appetite?

There should be a central, independent risk function to set risk appetite, implement and monitor controls, provide oversight of your organization’s risk position, and aggregate risk information. Risk management includes activities and responsibilities outside of the general insurance domain, although insurance is an important part of it and insurance agents Read more…