Risk Management And Compliance Management: What are the benefits of using Active Risk Manager (ARM) software?

Arm replaces the silo-based, spreadsheet approach to risk management with a single integrated enterprise risk management system for the proactive management of risks and opportunities, providing effective centre-led risk management, business continuity, compliance and insurance services to manage and where appropriate transfer risk maintaining an insurance program to protect Council Read more…

Risk Management And Compliance Management: How does management ensure compliance with security policies and procedures?

When including these aspects, programs will likely keep traction, identify key risks to reduce risk and exposure of critical information assets, and achieve compliance with the ever-growing regulatory landscape, the audit objective, as per the approved Multi-Year Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan, related risk management strategies and practices, the information for Read more…

Risk Management And Compliance Management: What if your organization were under the microscope?

When changes occur, functions such as supply chain management, design, manufacturing, distribution, or services may be considered as part of the updates to the risk profiles, the risk management strategy, and the policy, processes, and procedures supporting your organization’s risk management. Executive management reviews must specifically address how risk management Read more…